new wip started

Posted by noshenim on April 30, 2007, 8:42 p.m.

Game Note: Game stayes on top, and moves the mouse back in the room if it goes out. press f1 to 'pause'


Right mouse:

Do not target closest enemy.


If you get within 12 pixels (y based) of the neares enemy you will target the enemy, to improve accuracy. After the final enemy gets to far left you will warp [:P].

There's just a few boxes moving left for a while (in a patturn) then a warp. Like my background?

Basicly just the first scene, a number of enemies in formation. Also has the first background.

my kitty is acting weird. now she's purring. ? I need someone to play cards with. I'm gonna play an online game soon.

Hyrule temple.mid ^_^_^ Trance dimensions is teh pwn

I'm gonna make this blog longr (o teh noes?)

I had school today. did not most likely probably maybe least not likely go to school today? My kitty thinks that my sister brought a new cat home >_>.

I'm gonna play runescape for a while… even though it sux. I wonder where the music that I used in scroller.gm6 is on vg music.. I made a merge_number function

//paste in NOTEPAD then gamemaker (to unformat)
//same as merge_color except not colors, numbers
//(256,512,0.5 will end up as 384.0000000)
var n1,n2,v,d;

OMFG ZEROWIND IS THE MUSIC I USED IN SCROLLOR YAYS!!!! level six ^_^_^_^ <- four eyes -> <_<_<_<

What is the best song by dark nebula..

I like greensleeves (remix) and trance dimensions.

I'm gonna make more backgrounds for my game after the online game and runescape.

after the online game, runescape, and more backgrounds i'll probably do homework.

-probably not-

hehe, bye now!


KaBob799 17 years, 9 months ago

Hah I was just on runescape =0

god 17 years, 9 months ago

Pretty cool movement.

Original at least.