anyone want to help with my game?

Posted by noshenim on May 20, 2007, 9:44 p.m.

I need graphics for my game. A scrolling shooter. I want a plane sprite and a jeep sprite. Black and white with no shading. You will recieve credit when the game gets released.

The size of the image should be about 128 by 48 for the plane and same for the tank. Again, help would be appretiated and you will recieve credit for my game. You may even get more credit than just for those graphics as well [;)].

GO HERE PLZ!!! <- to raise the stats for our site =).

In st I would pwn but I lag. I can't host because my dad put a password on the router and I'm to lazy to hack it. I also hate the people that can't host but don't put a password on their game. Look at my awesome final 2 badges :P. How many is an omnikill again? Also what's the third row of badges about… ctc? Dominator? amount of suicides in a row? Highest jump? Games won in a row? amount of times killed?………… Need someone to host so I can figure it out…

Also I want to make a new banner, just to lazy to do so.

That long enough? hmm.


Z3da 17 years, 7 months ago

You're making a scrolling shooter? check out the Omniwall object i put up, it's useful for not having to do the "tile" method that takes so long.