UntitledYou guys are so lame.Game MakerI made a program that counts how many 640*480 surfaces my computer can handle… of you want it go ask someone else to make one.I'm also making a paint program, sorta like the one RadnomGames has. I'm also working on a bunch of scripts that are basicly a few functions combined into one each. This is what I have so far:surface_clearsurface_create_colorsurface_create_from_spritedraw_selfdraw_objectdraw_sprite_colortrace_beamSaphire TearsI quit saphire tears… … to laggy and to many other awesome st players on.Madness CombatI've been watching the madness combat epesides recently… nice music!! Cheshyre makes good music.OperaI turned off something… uhm.. speed dial in opera and can't figure out how to get it back on… any help?End(blog looks huge in editor)fin.
Madness is awsome
Sad loss in ST,that isUnidentified
Wow…Arc was really serious
XD unbanned.