You are my 10000th hit, please comment =D
I recently got portal for my birthday, which inspired me to create a gm version.Portal GM Demo-July 24Level editor-July 24 (I think the level editor is broken :< )4:04pm pdtPress f1 for credits.Hold shift to run.Space to fire laserwasd and mouse to move and shoot/aimpress L to loadUpdates may take a while because I am optimizing my code alot.
change your font :)Interesting that you'd make it as a top-down style of game.
@kn It would've been alot harder to create it as a platform game, and that's also been done before ("portal, the flash version" by "we create stuff") topdown is more (but still not very) original
how can you not read anything?@b0oss is it hard to read, or does your computer not support this font, or are you zoomed out wtf lol =/.The cake is a lie
The cake is a lieThe cake is a lieTrue dat.