for me:
woot, recently made my thousanth comment :D, music:'s by dark nebula1961 hits, that hurt :'(tg got the beat lolomgwtfbbq 3 badge >_>I have 40 freinds, I feel liked :Drecent hits:<a href=""> collision course</a><a href="">Platform V0.6.1</a><a href="">lolomgwtfbbqtwo</a><a href="">Caelis</a><a href="">ba ba black sheep</a>top five, playable.please downrate:<a href="">DToD shall NOT destroy 64d</a>that's all the newer below 3/10…<a href="">games sorted in order of rating</a>[random]comment on my 10/10 example ^_^.too make a good game just have wonderfull graphics and music,…[math]"Y"+"Y"=178 or "²"[/math]I need 32*16 race car graphics.I'm planning on re-creating th 64d rpg in gm, and try to make it an MMORPG, which I have no idea how to do, so I post <a href="">THIS</a> link for myself :P.<a href=""> PEANUT BUTTER JULLY TIME</a><img src=""> lolwho made this guy " ?:-| "?[/random]probably my longest blog?hehI found this somewhere and saved it…stare at the cross for a while then weird things happen
lol I didn't think you were of the Nihilistic kind until now.
[ur mom's voice] NO PILLS FOR YOU MISTER! [/ur mom's voice]0.o
PEANUT BUTTER JELLY WITH A BASEBALL BAT!Love thatyay peanut butter jelly time!
yes this is probably your longest blog?!?!?!?!player, i have an old car sprite i could give you, i don't need it any more
huh? k… :P