[oliv] Not Much

Posted by oliv on Feb. 13, 2007, 12:18 a.m.

I have coem back from a 3 day trip to Disneyland. Not fun, it's like the world of fake-spontaneity. Gawd. The nice people at Adesso sent me a new tablet driver, so I've been drawing again, right now I only want to share a couple of profiles I did to show off at GMClans (I am a judge so you better watch your back!)

The back of the head is large, I don't like her nose, and I don't like the bottom part of her hair.

This one I like, it came out how I wanted. He's supposed to look faintly Spartan/Greek, he will star in a short bulljumping game Jellyfish (1337 programmer buddy, check this out if you want proof (no really check it out it's AMAZING)).

Report cards came.

Hist H- A (only one in my class, damn that teracher)

English H- B (the woman is crazy, not my fault)

Calc- B (I don't like the class, but the teacher is extremely nice)

French 3/4 H A (je parle francias plus pauvre)

PE- A (Run the mile, wear the clothes, get an A)

AP Bio- A (Thank god, I had to bust some ass in this class)

All in all, I'm disappointed, and I think I'm spending way too much time on schoolwork as things are now. So feck.

I've also been bustin my ass on an adventure game since about mid-summer, and I've kept it pretty secret.

Titled The Seven Scientists of the Far North (awesome name) you play as one of seven scientists commisioned by somebody to go and study magama tunnels in Iceland. While you're there, some shit goes down and you need to go kill stuff and proceed to save the world.

Completeion Chart (i r not nub)

Planning- 50% ( I don't know how it ends)

Development (levels)- 30%

Programming- 80% (I don't like AI opr cutscenes)

Spriting- 90% (More enemies, some scewnery, foreground stuff)

Effects- 0% (I'm leaving it til later)

About the gameplay

-You have a gun that shoots grenades that explode. It was originally mining eqipment, ie, blow up rocks.

-You have a heat wand (sword) that was originally designed to melt ice off shit.

-You have a shield. It was orignally used to proect from falling rocks

-You have sticks of dynamite. They are now your mines/ obstacle removers. Orginally used for entertainment.

Yeah, I thought about the weapons for awhile. I wanted to keep this game say, +5-10 years future, but still very realistic and somewhat plausible, except then come that whole save the world thing which…

So now, I will leave the control scheme to ponder over. I wanted gameplay to be similar to Metroid.

WASD for movement. E for weapon changes. F for flashlight/ function. Arrow keys for —?


Kenon 18 years ago

Yeah.. Is the first person part alien?

Also… I can't believe I'm saying this, but Platformed is farther than yours is in the Planning and Effects part.

DesertFox 18 years ago


Damn I need a tablet.

thernz 18 years ago

Damn I need a tablet.

Rez 18 years ago

Damn I need a tablet.

Acid 18 years ago

We all need tablets. >_>

oliv 18 years ago

@ Kenon I don't get it D:>

flashback 18 years ago

I am a judge so you better watch your back!
Right back at you, mmk?


melee-master 18 years ago

Those look pretty good.