Back From Camp

Posted by oliv on Aug. 19, 2006, 11:26 p.m.

Well, I'm back from camp, it was really pretty up there, lake, stream, whole nine yards…

But it's good to have my super-computer back (I worked hard for it!)

I just got a new intel dual core processor/motherboard and overclocked it to 4.22 ghz (and it was $130 0_0 ). I also grabbed like 4 gigs of RAM, have ordered a new Cheetah Hard Drive, and decided against buying a new keyboard. So basically I had some money to blow.

Where did I get this money you may ask?


One of those "fill out the surveys you get paid." Turns out they're not complete bullshit- I made like $600 in a week :)

Now for something you guys can play-

This is one of my current doo-dads,

Thief (beware the porn)

I'm not sure if 64D upload applet is back up, but I don't care to find out.

Currently it has a tekno-tileset, cause I couldn't summon the enrgy to whip up a decent one, and some really old nice animations I found in my sprite archive. I don't think There are any enemies in the demo- though they are working, and consist of a monkey, a cougar (who walks, sprints, and jumps), and a gigantic bird. THere are a few booby-traps though. The fun thing about this game is you can dash. Press spay and an arrow key at the same time, and you dash whatever direction you pressed. The game will be based off this ability. Note the little "power ball" things that cushion landings and give you take-off thrust, if you would.

Yeah. Post thoughts, comments, whtever have you Please :)

Here's a nice little reference if any of you want to change your font color


melee-master 18 years, 5 months ago

Yeah, I believe it's Conroe. It's better by the AMD FX-60 by a bit, which could easily mean AMD will release something that completely kicks its ass. =D