Totally Fixed My Font

Posted by omgaghost on Oct. 15, 2007, 12:24 p.m.

As you can see now, the font on my blog page is much more readable. I had several complaints about how you couldn't read my font. So I changed it to something much more readable. Thank you for telling me, guys. I would have had no idea that I needed to change my font.

Some other stuff. I haven't been making a lot of updates, I haven't been online a lot, and to be honest with you, I haven't touched gamemaker for quite a while. This is all for the same reason. My computer was broken for like a week. So sorry, people.

One thing I saw made me kind of wierded out. I saw a user (will remain un-named) who might have gotten banned for something they did. Then another user (will remain un-named) was cheering for him to get banned. It was almost as if they were treating banning as if it was something funny. If I were banned, I wouldn't find it funny. If somebody else on 64digits got banned (God forbid) then I wouldn't think it was funny at all. I wouldn't really want to celebrate somebody being kicked off of this website. But lets stay off that topic.

Lets talk about something more happy than that! Now that my computer works fine and dandy, I am going to work work work on stickworld. After I post an update on that game, I am going to continue working on my Christmas game. (I KNOW I'M JEWISH) The game is about a Christmas elf that works in Santa's workshop. But he's Jewish. It's kind of sad how I know about all this Christmas business with Santa and the Christmas Trees and all that jazz. But that's the media for ya'

Well That's all I have to say for now. I have school off today! WOO!




Bryan 17 years, 4 months ago

Too big =/

JW 17 years, 4 months ago

It's huge yeah.

JW 17 years, 4 months ago

Hey radiohead.

NoodleNog 17 years, 4 months ago

But lets stay off that topic.
Then why did you go on that topic in the first place?

omgaghost 17 years, 4 months ago

NoodleDog… I just didn't want people commenting on that part of the blog… That's what I meant.

Part of the problem with my old font is that it was too small… That's why this one is so big…

LoserHands 17 years, 4 months ago

Make your font smaller.

s 17 years, 4 months ago

You talking of FF and Millar?Ya,dups galore there.FUNFUNFUN

Try working on polishing your games a little,it'll make them be taken more seriously(Ya,so 3/5 of my games have no polish,and the most recent one is arguable since it is vector style,but still.I'm not taken very seriously,so…)

Ice of sweden 17 years, 4 months ago



omgaghost 17 years, 4 months ago

lol… Everybody (well, not serpex.) complained about the font size.

serpex. I keep hearing you say pollish. I don't really understand what you mean by polish… lol…

s 17 years, 4 months ago

Well,a game which has smooth collisions and just rolls well so is polished.Like take something being deleted.The choppy code is

with object{instance_destroy()}
While to make it smooth,you'd do something like
and in the object's step code
if image_yscale<1{image_yscale-=.05}
if image_yscale<0{instance_destroy()}
The latter has the enemy bleep by shrinking their Yaxis,thus making them not just blip out of existence.That was something I held to with mono8(and vektorael,where the players would shrink on death and then regrow at the spawn,and the explosions all imploded or faded)

Ya,overall,tis just making the game flow seamlessly.Like in shumps,the foes fly in from the side or fade in or something,they don't just popup(and if they do…well,they shouldn't)

Anyways,I'm probably starting to ramble on and all,so I'll quiet down