MMO: The GTA Treatment

Posted by omicron1 on Nov. 4, 2006, 10:01 p.m.

That is an image of the GTA treatment (pseudo-3d) for this MMO. It works quite well, IMO. (Also note the neon sign)

I'm amazed what I've accomplished in under a week on this project.

By the way, I'm thinking about naming this MMO either Iron Band Online or Iron War Online. What do you people think?

LotA: Here is an image of the complete ship lineup in the game. (linkie, not piccie)

The ship types range from the Small (caravel, caravel redunda, and starting ship) to the Medium (Galleass, Galleons, Carrack) to the Large (Sovereign of the Seas). In addition, there are three sizes for each ship type (except the start ship and sovereign). The total number of ship designs is Twenty.

Life: I have none.

No, really. All I do is sit in front of the computer and program… or play games… or eat… I have no friends, no real contact with the outside world, and I have never had anything remotely resembling a romantic relationship. And I'm nearly to college. What would you people suggest I do?


Kaz 18 years, 2 months ago

No, really. All I do is sit in front of the computer and program… or play games… or eat… I have no friends, no real contact with the outside world, and I have never had anything remotely resembling a romantic relationship. And I'm nearly to college. What would you people suggest I do?
Go outside?

omicron1 18 years, 2 months ago

But… but… it's too bright out there!

Kaz 18 years, 2 months ago

I know, but you must overcome it.

I think we've all felt that way before. Just go somewhere, find someone who has the same interests as you, and voila, a friend!

omicron1 18 years, 2 months ago

…problem with that is, most people with my interests are as sequestered as I am.

Kenon 18 years, 2 months ago

Exactly. That is why 64digits was created.

sk8m8trix 18 years, 2 months ago

*head explodes*

Cesque 18 years, 2 months ago

No, really. All I do is sit in front of the computer and program… or play games… or eat… I have no friends, no real contact with the outside world, and I have never had anything remotely resembling a romantic relationship. And I'm nearly to college. What would you people suggest I do?

Go on doing that. As a person who probably has a life according to the above definition, I'm telling you that it's overrated. Creative, secluded introvertics have given the world far more than all outgoing "lifers" :P

Requiem 18 years, 2 months ago

Looking good, Omicron!

I'll start with comments for Iron _____ Online:

The buildings are well done, but they don't seem to have tops (which isn't very hard to implement, compared to the walls).

Actually, I can't tell if they don't have tops, or if the tops have the same texture as the ground. Either way, the buildings look weird with no tops. Next up, there's a noticable lack of road textures in that picture. You might have roads somewhere ELSE in the map, but if you don't, remember, a city usually has more than just buildings scattered across a huge concrete slab. One last thing, consider making the HP/EP panel a bit larger, to fill up the blank space around it. Still, I absolutely cannot wait to play it with someone.

Now, as for Lions:

The ships are looking very nice, however, the polish is brought down by the fact that the interface is UGLY BEYOND BELIEF. Seriously. Fix it. Now. Other than that, the 'land' textures are <i>morbidly</i> low-resolution. I hope you plan on using something less blurry in the final version.

Grand-High Gamer 18 years, 2 months ago

Why do I suspect that MMO is using D3D rather than primitives/polygons for the buildings…

omicron1 18 years, 2 months ago

1. The buildings all have tops. The top texture is temporary.

2. Hmm.. road textures… that ought not be too hard to do…

3. Interface ugly? I'll have to work on that.

4. The land textures are low-resolution because I have all of Europe as the play field. I can't really make the textures much higher-resolution.

5. I use a hybrid of d3d and standard top-down viewpoint to render the game. I use d3d for the buildings and standard 2d for the rest of the game.