EDIT: Devlog#02

Posted by omicron1 on May 27, 2007, 3:45 p.m.


New on the roster of improvements is… the map editor! Due to the unique nature of DoC's engine, I cannot have real-time terrain manipulation in DoC. Instead, I have implemented a separate terrain editing feature, whereby you can prepare, edit, and export terrains prior to making scenarios.

Implemented tools:

* Mountain

* Hill

* Canyon

* Valley

* Eyedropper

* Paint (texture)

* Spray (texture)

* Various terrain textures

* Brush resizing tools

* A "3d" isometric map preview.

It looks like this:

I may lock the terrain editor (that is, not include it in the final version) simply because it's so memory-intensive. I'll have to see…

The editor proper will consist of tools to place buildings, scenery, and objects on a map.


I've been thinking about implementing wonders in DoC - that is, big buildings which confer unique benefits to the builders - and can only be built once. That is, if you build the Hellene Circus wonder, nobody else can. There would be one wonder for each of the three regions (Hellene - Circus; African - Great Temple; Eastern - Pagoda), which would result in a fair amount of competition to build wonders first.


My father is leaving on the USS Pelaliu Tuesday. He'll be gone for several months, including while I'm going to college.

My grandmother has a broken leg; they're talking about amputating it sometime this week.

My calculus final went well; grades on tuesday.


Amarin 17 years, 8 months ago

Sexy terrain editor. =O

Juju 17 years, 8 months ago

Due to the unique nature of DoC's engine
So that would be pre-rendered terrain to save on speed?

omicron1 17 years, 8 months ago

That, and a heightmap.

Juju 17 years, 7 months ago

That, and a heightmap.

abacus 17 years, 7 months ago

Urgh, DoC was such a letdown (i know this is a bit late, ive been meaning to tell you this). I know you could have done better on the terrain, and the engine has tons of problems. I personally tihnk it would be better without terrain, but maybe mountain objects that are impassable. also, roads didnt have to be connected to build anything, so you could just build 1 road in the middle of nowhere then build stuff around it.

omicron1 17 years, 7 months ago

Aww… I've lost my only supporter.

It is quite an early version, Abacus. I really only released it because people were begging for it… oh, well. Lots more stuff to do, and I promise you it's going to finish well.

The thing you mentioned with roads is intentional. It keeps you from, for instance, building forward bases easily (doing so requires an extensive buildup of economy and basically a city built around the barracks) yet allows you to build resource camps near far-off resources. At the same time, the fact that these camps are far-off and relatively defenseless means that sieges are not only possible, but a viable method of destroying a large city.

It would be nice if you could tell me exactly what you thought were the problems with the game engine. (Besides that the demo you recieved was missing a week's improvements from what I released later…) I am open to criticism.