So, I figure enough people have complained about the interface that it's time to spend a blog or two completely revamping it.
Here's how it's going to work. Each "ID" blog, I will post an image of the current state of the interface. Then, you give comments about possible improvements, etc.; and I will see about implementing them.First up: A modified iteration of the current interface.
use it is soo much faster than imageshit
Subliminal advertising rocks!
I like the round building buttons, but there are too many circular buttons on the menu. At least make the selected building icon square or something, as that is not a button, is it?The grey tab buttons on the left look bad, and so do the black separating lines.The health bar for the selected building needs some sort of outline, and the attack and defence values for it need to be more spaced out, and the same font as the resource bar should be used. The icons are also quite hard to see against the background shown - they need a shadow or something to stand out.I also think the minimap needs a border of some sort, and the upgrade/destroy set of buttons need to have a better layout.Thats all I can think of for now."I like the round building buttons, but there are too many circular buttons on the menu. At least make the selected building icon square or something, as that is not a button, is it?" - Well, it uses (or will use, anyway) the same graphic as in the build list itself, in order not to cause confusion. I can't really make it a square without somewhat ruining the effect. (That and I'd have to make everything else square too, to keep the same style)
"The grey tab buttons on the left look bad, and so do the black separating lines." - Thanks; I'll do something about that, then."The health bar for the selected building needs some sort of outline," - Part of that's just the jpeg compression issues."and the attack and defence values for it need to be more spaced out, and the same font as the resource bar should be used. The icons are also quite hard to see against the background shown - they need a shadow or something to stand out." - I think what would serve best here is to darken the background quite a bit."I also think the minimap needs a border of some sort, and the upgrade/destroy set of buttons need to have a better layout." - Hmm… I can't really add too much of a border to the minimap; it's exactly the width of the interface itself as is. Maybe a lightening effect… Layout, you say. Mhmm…I heard it’s amazing when the famous purple stuffed worm in flap-jaw space, with the tuning fork, does a raw blink on hari-kari rock! I need scissors! 61!
Some tips for a good GUI:
Do you happen to know 3D?
I do.