You hit the rabbit for 2.76 damage.

Posted by omicron1 on July 22, 2007, 2:45 a.m.

…The rabbit dies.

New pt. 1: roguelike project.

* Implemented several new items

* Added basic AI routines

* Added damage from throwing

* Added a second layer of LOS scripting

* Implemented object stacking

* Took a picture of it to show off…

(ingame appearance/interface demonstration)

The white "r" is a rabbit. The "%" is a rabbit corpse.


* The fog-of-war appearance has since been altered,

New pt. 2: DoC

* Implemented full bump mapping for most game-world objects.

* Optimized building model code for memory use.

* Updated remaining troops to new models.

* Added Spearman unit.

* Worked on AI, which can now build up to the middle of the second Era. This is working towards a complete, competent 2-era AI for the next demo.


abacus 17 years, 7 months ago

looks nice. Cant wait for the first demo. I was expecting it to be more like Alter-Aeon, text based than that. In alter aeon it tells you your surrounding like "You come into a long hall. There is a doorway to the east." then you type 'e' or 'east' and you'll go into the door.

abacus 17 years, 7 months ago

But the GUI at the top sounds like alter aeon type stuff, especially the 'drop where' thing,Cuz in AA you go 'Look pack' 'you see a sword, a leg of rabbit, and a stone' 'drop stone' and such

omicron1 17 years, 7 months ago

The difference is that you don't type anything into the feedback panel; it just tells you the specifics of what's happened. (For instance, relating the damage dealt, critical hits, environmental cues, etc.)

s 17 years, 7 months ago

So are you using images for the letters or doing it to the root,with text?

beam 17 years, 7 months ago

map looks great. not too sure about the interface, though :(

turbo_toons 17 years, 7 months ago

it all looks great