Smoke and mirrors

Posted by omicron1 on July 26, 2007, 6:09 a.m.

I've got a host of new screenshots today… as well as more than a bit of news.

1. I've completed some new particle effects for smoke, which happen to both look better and run faster than the old system. It's fully-lit, partially-alpha'ed, and looks beautiful in motion.

On a similar key, I have dust trails for certain units' movement.

Note: The image above does show the effects of motion blending (not quite blurring; just a doubled copy of each frame using the postprocess filter and creating a smooth effect.)

2. I'm drawing near to the next demo milestone for DoC. Remaining to do: A lot of testing in order to make sure that the skirmish maps work; one new unit (the Supply Caravan); and some more optimization.

Today in the gameplay department: Creeps. (That is, if creeps actively sought out and attacked the players' cities) - I call them Bandit Camps.

3. In the roguelike dept.

* Completed the core of the dungeon generator. (items, enemies, rooms, and corridors)

* Added certain profession-specific starting items to the character generator.

* Implemented character saving and loading (that is, persistent characters) using a "type your name" system.

* Created about two dozen new "jewel" items.

* Implemented armor and wearing objects.

* Fixed item piles to show the most recent addition rather than an infinity symbol.

* Added gold piles as a generatable object.

Above: A dungeon level defeated. The character (Liniel, a Dwarven Soldier/Martial Artist) reviews his loot.


sk8m8trix 17 years, 6 months ago

Looks pretty nice, I admit that I have never tried out your game, but when the next demo comes out I will.

bendodge 17 years, 6 months ago

Is that made in GM? If so, nice work. [:)]

Joseph 17 years, 6 months ago

saying it sucks if it wasnt made in gm?

it looks pretty nice, can't wait to see it in motion. maybe capturing a small video?

JID 17 years, 6 months ago


Kenon 17 years, 6 months ago

Only problem I have is with the models off to the left, which look kinda off compared to the ground they're on. Otherwise, nice use of particles.

SumoDeUno 17 years, 6 months ago

is the 'dungeon level defeated' pic from a game made with zzt?

smaksak 17 years, 6 months ago

rjd2 <3

Grand-High Gamer 17 years, 6 months ago

Five years ago that would have looked great. GM wise it's amazing.

stampede 17 years, 6 months ago

You should merge that roguelike and that 3d engine/game system and then we have our own Oblivion made with Game Maker ;) Both looks great! I'm especially interested in that roguelike.

omicron1 17 years, 6 months ago

->Joseph: I've been meaning to create a trailer video; but (due to hardware limitations and wanting to capture it at full speed) I will have to wait until I get a new graphics card before that happens.

->ben, JID, ghg: That's on low detail. It doesn't include bumpmapping, grass, bushes, high-polygon models…

->sumodeuno: No. That's GM-made.

->Kenon: Shadows would probably help with that (if I can ever get shadowvolume working…)