Gimping, shops, and more!

Posted by omicron1 on Oct. 31, 2006, 11:22 a.m.

1. Some people talk about photoshopping. I talk about Gimping. The following is a 3d image of a strategy project of mine, edited in the Gimp and turned into something resembling a cloth printing of an Okami image.

2. I have recently added item shops to my MMO build. These are simplified as much as possible in keeping with my "plug-and-play" theme; to purchase an item, drive over it and press P.

I have also updated the terrain graphics, adding texture blending and animated water.


Firebee 18 years, 2 months ago

Horray for GIMP! Down with photoshop! ! is even better than GIMP!

RetroVortex 18 years, 2 months ago

gimping? that sounds a little strange to me, and slighly wrong…

But I can see where you're aiming at..

but its just good ol paint for me.

As for the picture its really good.. It does look like a cloth painting (be good as a background image for a text intro or something…)

Shork 18 years, 2 months ago

I do not know much about MMO games with GameMaker, but having played Everquest and Final Fantasy 11, I know a little about them in general. I understand GameMaker isn't good for games on that scale, so I don't worry about that. But how does one go about setting up a server and getting people to play, the actual logistics of the game? I mean any MMO isn't going to work well without players, no matter how awesome the graphics look.

omicron1 18 years, 2 months ago

I don't plan to use any dedicated server for the game; instead, I hope to have the networking be on a peer-to-peer scale. People will connect to one or two networked games, and will then play with their saved characters. Each computer will only handle its own player character; networked data will be used for drawing other characters and synchronizing weapon fire. There will be no AI objects (such as enemies) outside of special single-player "instanced" regions of the map; this is to minimize networking load, among other things. PVP will be one of the main attractions of this game; as the engine is based off of that which you might find in an action TDS, the pvp action will be more fast-paced than that in, say, Runescape.

As for "getting people to play", MMOs in GM tend to be rather popular. Just look at such MMO attempts as RopW, Wanderlust, etc. If you build it, they will come.

Shork 18 years, 2 months ago

So it's more like Diablo, where the game is only set up when people play, and the server is only for setting up a game, while the players actually host the game.

omicron1 18 years, 2 months ago

Sort of…

Shork 18 years, 2 months ago

yeah… I'm not a computerologist. I know very little on how to use GML at all, so computer speak throws me off pretty fast. There's this guy doing computational chemistry programs as part of a research project, he looked at the code for the game I'm working on, and said that GML looked like unix… I don't know what unix is…

omicron1 18 years, 2 months ago

Unix is an operating system from which Linux was made. It is normally a text-prompt OS; that is, you enter commands and see results on a black screen with white text. That's probably where he found similarity to your code.