The word "BEEG"

Posted by orange08 on Jan. 12, 2012, 7:16 p.m.

As some of you know, I have a blog seperate from 64Digits. And recently I made a discovery thanks to blogspot's statistics system.

I'll quote what I posted about the word "beeg" from my blog. My blog:

"ThatSnail* directed my attention to the Stats page you could view that showed you a lot of neat details about the people who view your site and stuff. Here is an image of the countries that give me the most traffic.

Korea is giving me heaps of traffic, and it seems to be the result of 1 word.


It must be some Korean word or something… because ever since I made this blog post the amount of blog views I get has skyrocketed. (on that post)

Another thing to note is that I get more views from people using ANDROIDS than Windows! And I'm guessing that it's because Koreans use Androids as well. xD

You know what this means? You can increase your traffic just by using the word Beeg in your stuff! I just hope they don't get angry when everyone starts exploiting this. :3 "



*ThatSnail's blog:


JID 13 years, 1 month ago

When I search it up, it says that it's another word for blowjob.

Search it up right now, and I bet a bunch of porn will show up.

orange08 13 years, 1 month ago

I think it only works for Koreans because they change google into their own language mode, then they google "beeg". Something like that.

Juju 13 years, 1 month ago

Yeah, my (Californian) ex used to refer to a blowjob as a "beeg." I always thought it was "beej" considering the etymology but here we are.

Mordi 13 years, 1 month ago

Beeg is also a very popular porn-site.

Also, getting hits just to get hits is silly. I wouldn't want a bunch of people who aren't interested at all to see my blogentries.

Juju 13 years, 1 month ago

Lives in Santa Barbara/L.A., goes to USC, does screen-writing (amongst other things).

orange08 13 years, 1 month ago

jokes aside, I think this is a pretty beeg discovery

colseed 13 years, 1 month ago

^ i c wat you did thar