
Posted by parrotboy222 on Jan. 30, 2007, 11:46 p.m.

Hello everybody. I have been watching this website for a while and I have decided that it was pretty cool. I was having some trouble with the gmc, so I looked around for another site that might be as good.

So you know ahead of time, I am not a programmer. I just look at the games and critique them.

Well, here I am… (:


I spent the past hour looking for an avatar, and then I realized that I had to have a picture in 64X64 or less, so now I have an avatar thingy. It's a parrot eating a clementine. Cuz I love parrots and I love clementines…


Dr_Eechmen 18 years ago

Howdy! I'm one of those fellows who comes to 64D 'simi-regularly-ish'

I like parrots…

parrotboy222 18 years ago

Wait, Dom, I didn't get anything you said after the point where you said BTW… But okay… Meh.

Remember guys, it's hanged, not hung!!!

Dom 18 years ago

im talking about programing

Dom 18 years ago

eh my grammer sucks

parrotboy222 18 years ago

oh, ok, well, i'm pretty good at noticing wether a game is good or not, and I'm always justifying why I rated the game the way I rated it, so I hope you see that I rate games well.

Dom 18 years ago

i dont really rate i usauly give them a high one even if it sucks becuse it says in the bible that to do onto others as you would like them to do to you and im a nice guy for example i gave up my desk today for a chick although i was not realy thinking about manners if you know what i mean

[how do i do eyebrow smiley face]

parrotboy222 18 years ago

I'm Jewish, so I don't know about teh bible. But I do know that if you rate high on other ppls games even if they stink, than u get popular. Well, I looked at the game you had uploaded, and I saw that it wasn't rated that high. No offence, but i think the bible just lied to u… lolz

Dom 18 years ago

hmm thats cause i was a total n00b then and i dont know crap all about jewish people but ithink you celabrate hunica is that right?

parrotboy222 18 years ago

Lol, it's Hanukah. Don't worry, i'm not sensative about my religion. When I see south park, I take no offence to it…

We also celebrate a lot of other cool holidays…

Dom 18 years ago

hmm south parks awsome so is the comedy chanel they payed out moses hard core on there. im prety much the same about my own i realy coundnt care less if some one pays it out