parks, girls and meat!

Posted by paul23 on Jan. 12, 2008, 6:07 p.m.

Quote: confucius

what's better?

To meet girl in park,

Or to park meat in girl?

discuss :P

Well currently I'm feeling pretty "proud" of my study (I'm studying physics for those who don't know - going to do a minor in the computer science or maths, still to decide). A friend of my (who studies "electrical engineering") came to me to ask me to solve a difficult maths question. :) Many people seem to say "wow you study physics, that's pretty hard isn't it" nowadays! Always nice to hear… (especially when you start to become a bit more knowlenged than the casual college student at it).

Anyway that said, it's not going too well though… I'm pretty busy these days with 4 tentams last week and 2 next week! And I know already I failed at least 2 (and probably 1 more) from the last week :(. Hopefully monday and Thursday I'll do better at quantum mechanics 2 and thermodynamics..

As for gamemaker, well I decided to stay at the team and see wether or not it'll fail. This might actually be my last gm project though. I'm really starting to think about going to another language, I only need to find some time to learn it! (And I wanted to put more time in my study as well, so it might take a loooong while..).

I've been updated to the official "senior" programmer, giving me the responsibility to make all decisions regarding programming. (and what needs to be done next). The "inventory" system (which I might release as open source some day) I'm actually pretty proud of already! Though none will probably notice, it gives great customizing possibilities when designing maps. (actually it allows us to easily create a parser for example). I promissed "rjbruin" (the real leader) to write someday a nice article of how this works etc. (hopefully he forgets it: I hate writing articles though).

Currently I started working on the pathfinding - which (I think to no surprise) works with gm's A* algorithms. I'm actually doing already pretty good, and currently working on "clustering" - that means units which are close to each other and you want to move try to move in a "group". This allows me to have less pathfinding calls (each group only need 1), and it allows me to arrange the units. (rangers behind, footmans in front and that sort of stuff). Only problem is: when is something a "cluster" (and when not)? if you have any idea of how a computer can define such a thing please post here

Also with a few friends we're going to make our "pivofest".. Anybody seen the movie "beerfest"? (or knows what the oktoberfeste in München is) Well we pretty much want to do that kind of stuff for all other scouting groups around.

Anybody has some good ideas?

What we've gotten already:

-beer-relay (I guess you can guess it already)

-beer-pong (simply pingpong with as addition a big beer-glass on both sides, if you get the ball inside it you win!)

-toin cossing: throw in 1 minut as many coins inside a glass 50 cm away (while the coins have to bounce on the table first)

-longdrink: another team mate stands above you (about 2 metres) and let the beer "fall" - you've got to drink it!

-DAS Booot (those who've seen beerfest probably know it already): a large boot (2.5 litre) you've got to drink with your team!


Cesar 17 years, 1 month ago

obviously neither, because both involve meat and girl, which reminds me of meatspin… which is blargh

R 17 years, 1 month ago

That's not a Confucious quote.

stampede 17 years, 1 month ago

Meatspin! Meatspin! Meatspin!

t3mp3st 17 years, 1 month ago

I'll go with option B.

Ronnica 17 years ago


Depending on what girl you meet in the park… don't park your meat in the ones that have been sleeping in the park for tooo long.