wahoooo!!!! weee!! yeay etc

Posted by pliskin on April 21, 2007, 5:38 p.m.

<u>I dont know</u>

I have absolutely no idea how the spammer got on my account but he must have spent a pretty long time to find out my password. OH!! and about the post in the forum that was the spammer of course. Anyway didn't anyone notice that he wasn't speaking like me, I speak differantly, I do not chatroom lingua.

<u>but I do know this</u>

the chatroom phrases that I know are:

r instead of are

r u instead of are you

@instead of at

omg for oh my god

omfg for oh my f****** god

wtf for what the f***

lol for laugh out loud

rofl for roling on floor laughing

I only use them on runescape and I will not curse this site with them ok.

<u>I also use smileys</u>

I like using smilies aswell such as:





weeeeeee smilies for all.

<u>I also like saying random things</u>

I get bored sometimes and say things such as:

yeay waffles

I like waffles

does anyone like waffles

waffles for sale

I eat a cheesy waffle

weeeeeeeeeeeeee waffles

and the classic:

u r a cheesy bean !!!!!!!!

<u>I don't know why I just done that</u>

was there any purpose whatsoever for me to say that?




sorry about that I am bored, I have been away from this site for a while because of the spammer and every other GM site is crap.


FireflyX 17 years, 10 months ago

he must have spent a pretty long time to find out my password
Erm… Your password was your name he won't of spent that long!

FireflyX 17 years, 10 months ago

oh and shut up about fuckin waffles

blueBX 17 years, 10 months ago






pliskin 17 years, 10 months ago

ohhhhhhhhh for the love of god I was bordddddddddddddddd !!!!





by the way does anyone know why it is not on the front page ?

pliskin 17 years, 10 months ago

noooooo some one has better smilies than me nooooooooooooo wher'd you get em

SMgames 17 years, 10 months ago

I think you have spent to much time playing starwars

frenchcon1 17 years, 10 months ago

Calm down, mental child.

pliskin 17 years, 10 months ago

I think you have spent to much time playing starwars

right ? umm shut up please