Stick Figure Massacre

Posted by randomscripter on Dec. 16, 2006, 2:47 p.m.

Game Maker

Not much to say here, I tried to make my minigame go online…Still testing with ONL1N3's engine…Which rocks! But since I can't seem to get my brother to test…It is somewhat useless…Oh well. If you have any ideas for the online portion of Earth Defence Online, PM me.


I have gotten into Stick Arena. I am 1337N30, ph34r! No, really, you can't beat him. Unless you are a dirty hacker, then you suck. Also, yay me. Winter Holidays are here, and I am out of school for 2 weeks! Which means no more nerve wracking midterms! Yay for hobbies! Yay me. And, I am becoming much more experienced with Apothesis. My banner was made with it. I might change my banner. Now I need another Snickers. Please?


WTF? Fear of what?

Random Stuff

Random Food: Steak

Random Drink: Gatorade

Random User: OpticalLiam

Random Game: Stick Arena

Random Equation: 1=2

Visit my forums already! And while you are at it, play Stick Arena, too!



NeutralReiddHotel 18 years ago

Visit my forums already! And while you are at it, play Stick Arena, too!

While I'm at it, I can go jump of a bridge. because it's less painful.

WaleedAmer 18 years ago