Rant-n-Rave #22

Posted by rockyran on Nov. 14, 2006, 5:33 p.m.

(WARNING: Game console blog approaching. Don't want to hear it? Get out now)


All I have to say is: I told you. The PS3 is not even out yet and there's a huge problem with the system already. As stated already, over 8,000 games will NOT be compatible with the PS3. If that's not absolute bullcrap, I don't know what is. I mean, here you are spending $600 (which is what my self-built computer cost) on a system and you get rigged already.

In actuality, Sony is becoming more and more of a ripoff every day. Yes, they're not actually stealing money from you, but you get the short end of the stick every time if you get behind Sony. First, the PSP. Launch price was $250 (which is the Wii price–a HOME console), you got terrible battery life, underwhelming games and to watch movies you must buy them in a format that is only playable by the PSP. The only redeeming feature (emulation) was taken out because it actually could have made the PSP worth getting.

Next, here's a little security measure we're going to force down your throats. This security measure protects us from your piracy, but instead we're going to install programs so underground your system that it cannot be deleted and even opens up some security holes.

Next, here are some batteries for your laptop. There MIGHT be a small glitch in them. They explode.

Next, here's our next gaming system, the PS3. We're going to focus on the aspects of games that are the least important. By our definition, graphics, sound and the "kickass-ness" of games are the only factors in determining what a good game is. Gameplay? Fun factor? Nah, the real stuff lies in how many sweat drops you can see in that basketball player's face. Yes, it costs us a lot but hey, you're the one who has to pay for these idiotic details. $60 games, a $600 console and you can't even play a huge amount of games that you already own. Why is it so expensive? Mostly because of our awesome Blu-ray disc format. Oh yeah, it might not be successful, so your precious PS3 may only be able to play movies from a dead format!

All right, so despite of all this crap you still manage to convince yourself that you want one. Well guess what? You have to beat and choke other people to death to get one. Missed the preorders? You're already screwed. Even people who preordered might get the shaft in the end and they might not get a PS3. You have to get in line for hours, if not days, to get your precious PS3. Did we mention the systems might be faulty? There's already faults with the system, and with the not-so-clean record of Sony in the past couple of years, a massive glitch in the system might not be all that unbelievable.

Is the PS3 really worth it? Would you put up with a $600 console, $60 games, inability to play past games, massive shortages of the system and more-than-likely possibilities of massive glitches, all just for an insane amount of detail in games that have absolutely nothing to do with gaming itself?

All I have to say is this: Both Sony and their loyal fans are completely missing the point of gaming, and gamers will have empty pockets and empty entertainment.


hobomonkeyc 18 years, 3 months ago

So, the PSP is a good handheld device, mp3, movie, pictures, games, and internet.

The PSP was a failure.

I want my money back, DS raped the hell out of the PSP.

Emulations where not taken out, they where blocked in the new firmware versions (1.5 and up I think). But you can still downgrade.

If you downgrade, then you cannot play some of their new games that require higher firmware.

Anybody wanna buy a PSP?

Kaz 18 years, 3 months ago

If buy=get one for free, then yes, I want to buy one.

HeroofTime55 18 years, 3 months ago

LOL 5 hours battery life is "long?" DS gets what, 18 hours with the light off?

DesertFox 18 years, 3 months ago

Haha! I must say that there hasn't been much new stuff in FPS games for years. The last big change was adding vehicles in my opinion. Nothing much new since then, just snazzier graphics and better physics.

Cesar 18 years, 3 months ago

I made a blog about the positive parts of the PS3, as I don't want to seem a lunatic Nintendo fanboy. but yes, Sony is just making stuff to try to rape Nintendo right now. they just barely losened the grip on Nintendo's handheld market.

Gaming-It's ok, but if you want N64 par graphics, go for it, otherwise, get the DS (most games aren't designed to be graphically beautiful, so they look great even when on 3D)

Music-Get an iPod, and you get much, much more for your money, plus, memory sticks gradually lose memory per use, hard disks do not.

Videos-Get an iPod, you get videos and music, tons of memory, and a lot of battery and it's much, MUCH cheaper.

online-Get a ultra portable PC, it usually has internet access, and has the ability to do much, much more, and they're worth about $400+, which is pretty cheap for a PC

melee-master 18 years, 3 months ago


No, you actually get around 5 hours if you play vide games on it,

Heh… Five hours is nothing.

duckman 18 years, 3 months ago

Yet, the PS3 will be sold out for the next few months.

rockyran 18 years, 3 months ago

Yet, the PS3 will be sold out for the next few months.

So by that logic, I will make 1 copy of a product, sell it and go all over the place screaming "OMG! I lIek SolD aLL OuT!11!!"

Of course they're going to sell out, they have 150,000 freaking units at launch in the US. Selling out in this case isn't a positive thing, as many of you may think. It's a negative.

Cesar 18 years, 3 months ago

damn, they reduced the number? first 400,000, now 150,000… damn they're stupid…

The wii is selling 1 million at launch and 4 million by the end of the year, meaning camping out is not that useful for the Wii, as there should be loads of extra Wiis