Rocky ain't Dead!

Posted by rockyran on Dec. 21, 2006, 7:40 p.m.

"Where the ______ has he been?"

Yeah, I'm pretty sure nobody has even notice I'm gone, but nevertheless I wanted to drop by and say I'm not dead at least. I just stopped coming here due to massive amounts of extra stuff I had to do, plus when I wanted to go back in, the stupid cookie decided to disappear and I had to ask melee to reset the password for me.

Anyway, however much time I've spent on doing school stuff (which thank God I don't have until Jan 3), I have been spending it like a madman trying to find a f___ing Wii for Christmas. I've tried waiting outside of a Best Buy for hours, I've tracked down several stores, called them every morning, done pretty much everything I can, but somehow there STILL seems to be a way for me to not get one, no matter how hard I try. I've given up on getting one for Christmas but perhaps a few days later they start bringing them in and I can hopefully get one before I die.

So…that's pretty much it. Just wanted to let everyone know my desperate and futile quest for a Wii as well as letting you know that I'm not dead. Oh yeah, and my project game is still not done, but hey, I haven't quit on it. I'm still a-working on it.

I'm pretty sure you can figure out what my next RnR will be about. Expect that one soon.


NeutralReiddHotel 18 years, 1 month ago

Rocky ain't Dead!

Yeah, I'm pretty sure nobody has even notice I'm gone

I did… [:(]

blueBX 18 years, 1 month ago

I thought you were wrtting about "Rocky 6" the movie.

Well, I have a Wii. Try asking the person that works there when they are going to receive a shipment of Wii's.

3333 hits.

Rob 18 years, 1 month ago

lol same

Arcalyth 18 years, 1 month ago

I have been spending it like a madman trying to find a f___ing Wii for Christmas. I've tried waiting outside of a Best Buy for hours, I've tracked down several stores, called them every morning, done pretty much everything I can, but somehow there STILL seems to be a way for me to not get one, no matter how hard I try.

Same here. It's REALLY annoying, especially seeing how no one in my town knew about the Wii before the commercials.

hobomonkeyc 18 years, 1 month ago

Gah! Its been a week since a rant-n-rave!

I like those :)

melee-master 18 years, 1 month ago

Welcome back. =P

poultry 18 years, 1 month ago


Kenon 18 years, 1 month ago

Quote: hobomonkeyc
Its been a week since a rant-n-rave!
Great job with the dates, Einstein.

Quote: This blog
December 21
Quote: Last blog
November 14

KaBob799 18 years, 1 month ago

The only real way to get a wii is being lucky/buying online for higher price.

You could try living in a wal-mart for a week so that you can be there when they get their shipment XD

Josea 18 years, 1 month ago

Do you know what's worse than not being able to buy the wii because lack of supply?

There is nothing worse than seeing the store full of Wiis, in front of you, and not having the money to buy them because they're too expensive ($700)