My school wants to kill us

Posted by rockyran on Jan. 17, 2007, 5:06 p.m.

So yesterday we get off the day from school, and why? Because the weather is too bad for you to drive back and forth in.

Fast forward to today. The weather is actually the exact same as yesterday, only worse because it rained and now there's more ice accumulating. Guess what? The dumbasses at the school district's office believe that it's actually more suitable for us to go to school today. In fact, we only got a 2-hour delay. Honestly, I can't see how a two-hour delay would suddenly make it pleasant for all to drive.

I mean, first of all, the entire region of Texas that we live in is closed for the day. The college in our town is closed for the day, and even the neighboring school district closed after 1 hour of operation. And these idiots keep us in and probably will until somebody cracks their head open and blows their brains out on the streets, then they'll be like "Uhhhhhhhh…we shouldn't have opened the school, should we?" They're putting students in an extreme amount of danger just so that they get more money from student attendance. How sad.

Who the hell makes these decisions? A monkey smoking cigarettes would be better able to make these decisions because apparently, he would know the difference between hot and cold.

Stupid people kill me sometimes.


Cesar 18 years, 1 month ago

what's "blazing" for you, C3?

Tasm 18 years, 1 month ago

Lol, my bus driver made us stop on the way to school at the garage to get windshield wiper fluid. I don't know, but I'd think you would check something like that before picking up the kids.

Maxcore 18 years, 1 month ago

How many people cracked their head open or got injured? Exactly. Grow up and deal with it mr texan. North deals with this shit all the time.

Kenon 18 years, 1 month ago

Quote: Maxcore
North deals with this shit all the time.
And we don't, so we aren't used to it.

Besides, a week ago, it was burning here where I live. The change is pretty drastic.

kevboh 18 years, 1 month ago

Besides, a week ago, it was burning here where I live.

I live in hell. It is literally <i>burning</i> here.

Maxcore 18 years, 1 month ago

Do you ever get snow days?

JID 18 years, 1 month ago

My school wants to kill us and disolve our skin off.

They hate us soo much.

JW 18 years, 1 month ago

I had the same today, because the wind speeds are too high and it's dangerous to be outside everybody has to go home… uh.

V 18 years, 1 month ago

O_O Dude. Same with my school. Exact same thing going on. And we texans are used to 102 degrees, not really 28. =/ and the change was very fast, so that was annoying. That, and I managed to find thin ice. =O

rockyran 18 years, 1 month ago

How many people cracked their head open or got injured? Exactly. Grow up and deal with it mr texan. North deals with this shit all the time.

It's called being prepared for the situations. Texans are most definitely not prepared for ice. If a sandstorm passed through your town and your school closed, you wouldn't see it reasonable for people in North Africa to say "Pssh. Such a wuss. We get those all the time".

I admit that it's not nearly as bad as the north, but we're not prepared. The cars are not equipped and people don't have the experience of driving on ice unless they lived on the North prior to this. Relative to the Northern climate, yes it's nothing. Relative to OUR regular climate, it's a huge deal.