RockyRan is in...and then out...and then in again

Posted by rockyran on May 8, 2008, 4:56 p.m.

Honestly? You want honesty? To tell you the complete truth, I have no idea. Really. I said I'd quit doing Game Maker 'cause my life was going to get too hectic. Well, it didn't but I was too lazy to come home from Senior-in-high-school-with-highly-stressful-classes to sit down and strain my brain some more. Yeah, quitting for good, right?

But the thing is, I don't really WANT to quit. Playing games all day, yeah, you can call that a waste of time. But MAKING games. It's like…you're part of another group. More nerdy, more hardcore, but really, you actually do something that you're proud of. I'm way more comfortable talking about making games than just playing them, simply because making games just takes way more effort. Anyone can play games, but not everyone actually makes one. Making games is just one of those things that make me go "really? I did that 2 years ago?" (My thoughts about 10 minutes ago as I was playing " * " again.)

Thing is, I'm not too hot about the idea of abandoning making my very own video games, but at the same time I'm not crazy about the insane amount of hours/effort that needs to be put into it. So really, it depends on my mood. Sometimes, I really feel like working on something despite the mental "strain". Other times, I just wanna play some Smash Bros Brawl and let my brain melt a while. So forget about the whole "I'm quitting GM!" and "I'm stayin'!" deal. I'll do games when I really want to, and not do them when I don't.

I've thought about making a sequel for " * ", because I've always thought the game needed a facelift. Now I know how to easily anti-alias the circles (which I didn't know how to do before, and I've always hated that), I've always been not very crazy about the amateurish menus and I can very easily implement a "start at level ___" system. Those things alone can solve a lot of the issues going around. I also intend to include several items, but I really don't want to add items just for the sake of adding them, because the added strategy that the items provide was something I really like and I'd like to bring the game along in that direction (the strategies provided weren't really intended to be in the game, but they happened to work out very nicely).

What else…oh yeah, I want to add a few new orbs. I have a nifty idea of one that rotates around and shoots stars in the directions of the arrows that they happened to be in when you destroyed the orb. I also intend to make little changes here and there, such as the ability for health orbs to keep popping other orbs in case they're really close to it (I never really liked the idea of your chain reaction hitting a "dead end" once you hit a health orb). Overall, I think I got a really cool idea going and I definitely want to take that concept and run with it.

Questions/comments/desires/death threats welcome (well, maybe not death threats.)


Josea 16 years, 10 months ago

I'm going to kill you tomorrow.

Cesar 16 years, 10 months ago



*not death threat, sex threat >=D*

flashback 16 years, 10 months ago

Watch out for Josea, he's Chavez' arch-nemesis. He might whine at you.

rockyran 16 years, 10 months ago

Ah, yeah. I remember Josea's tirades against Chavez. :P

NeutralReiddHotel 16 years, 10 months ago

Rockyran? Back? AWESOME.


Juju 16 years, 10 months ago

I find that people respect game developers at schools… There's something nerdy but intense about it, that you can bring enjoyment by being a geek.

melee-master 16 years, 10 months ago

* was a cool game, a sequel would be nice.