Rant-n-Rave #4

Posted by rockyran on Aug. 6, 2005, 10:13 p.m.

Behold, my newest installment of the Rant-n-Rave series. As always, this will be much different than the last. This time we talk about…the World Wide Web!

It's amazing that decades ago, when the internet was first released, people acted as if they were five-year-olds again at the internet; anything that had to do with it were completely stupefied by it. They were going "Wow dude, ANYONE can post anything they want! Look at this guy's website! It's so cool looking! I love the animations!" Not only that, but the amount of web pages were very limited, not to mentiont its production was rather hard, so the only few websites there were were pretty good.

A long time later…in the year 2005, the internet is something resembling to East L.A. All sorts of shady people trying to rip you off, criminals on the run trying to kill you by talking to you and fooling you, all sorts of crappy places overrun by hobos, money-thirsty thiefs trying to get your money, tons but T-O-N-S of Rated-R places and just utter depression every which way.

So what happened? Where did the internet go wrong? Why was the internet so innovative and so awesome back then and why is it the ghetto now?

Here's the answer; because it was open to society. Really, the person who thought of the idea that everyone could contribute to it really had no idea what was coming. I mean, there's NOTHING in the world that's completely open to society ('cept the internet) for a REASON. It's because of THIS–if something is completely open, society is going to get a hold of it, and mash it and pound it and kill it until it's nothing but piles of ashes on the floor. Really, the only place that is completely open to the public is the internet, and it's obviously being mashed and pounded and killed until there's nothing left.

So here's my proposal. We get everybody and put them in cages. They won't be allowed to do anything except eat, drink and sleep. THAT is the true and only way that the world will become a better place, because nobody will be able to do anything with it. Pretty good idea, eh? :D

So there you have it, my Rant-n-Rave #4. Stick around for the next installment. What will I rant about next…?


firestormx 19 years, 2 months ago

Firstly, the interent hasn't been open to the public for very long, and animations on the interent have only ben capable for a decade. (when java was developed)

And on top of that…Meh, whatever. I study the history of computers too much.

Anywy, the world would only be a better place, for the people who arnt' in those cages.

rockyran 19 years, 2 months ago

Just for the record, this R-n-R was written especially with a sense of lightheartedness, so don't take anything TOO seriously. I don't even have many facts straight. Just made for a laugh :P

Alpha Man 18 years, 8 months ago

Hey Rockyran!

Kenon 18 years, 5 months ago

When's the next blog?