Rant-n-Rave #8

Posted by rockyran on July 3, 2006, 8:10 p.m.

All right, something lately has really been bothering me to the extent that I really REALLY need to make another RnR. This RnR is for a topic that we all know is true, but this time…THIS time I'm able to completely prove our theories true once and for all. The people over at the GMC Creations board are nothing but pieces of ____.

Think about this, stupid idiotic and retarded (to say the least) games are getting all the attention. Sure, yeah, whatever, we know the drill. No, not this time. This time the stupid retarded users have really gone too far. Way too far. Think about all the stupid crap games getting 100% of the attention. To mention one, let's say "Drink Tea or Die!". Now talk about some retarded game. I know, there's occasional retarded games that DO get hot topics every once in a while just because they're THAT bad (*glares at MegaMan PC*), but no, this stupid game gets 72 posts and 4 pages of replies. Constantly bumped. Constantly. As in once or twice (maybe even thrice) every two hours. Some people–I don't know if they're being sarcastic or they really ARE retarded–say that this game is super great and give it 10/10s and whatever.

Sure, there's the occasional crap game that gets loads of attention, we all know that, but this stupid game gets so much attention (and perhaps infamy) that it gets in the Cage Match! Whatever IDIOT suggested this piece of crap for the Cage Match? Not only this, but it's been getting over 35 votes? Apparently, over 35 people are really brickheads.

And it's not over, folks, for people over at the GMC have evolved stupidity to a completely new level. There's people spending…no…wasting time making a Drink Tea or Die 2 and even a 3rd one, both made by different users. Not only this, but these pieces of even crappier crap are getting just as much attention as the original one! And the original creator actually feels FLATTERED by the fact that HIS crap game not only got into the Cage Match, something that dozens of us have been dying to do, but he's getting fan games too!? And the little ____ says that those crappy graphics over at Drink Tea or Die 2 are good. Oh, Wolverine would get a GREAT kick out of this (that member specializing in pixelart).

Besides, that Drink Tea or Die crap saga, we get another one, Kill Lavos. This idiot made this game crappy ON PURPOSE, staties it blatantly, and still gets tons of attention. The entire topic is overrun by replies (with flaming and childish arguments, but replies nonetheless) and it's nothing but bull. A load of Bull, that's what it is. What about us who actually take the time to make GOOD games? Playable games, people who pour all their efforts into their games to get the slight amount of recognition that they deserve. What do WE get? Negligence. Crappy replies. People out there who reply to games stating nothing but the bad just to bring the overall feeling of the topic down. Stupid comments like "Looks good, but I don't feel like playing it". No seriously, I HAVE gotten that comment once! And look at the excrement that's lurking all over the GMC boards that's getting all those 10/10s, getting into Cage Matches, getting fangames and all the attention?

That's it. THIS IS IT. For ages people have been refuting our theories that the GMC Creations board is nothing but crap, saying that we're just throwing hissy fits because our games don't get the 1000 replies we so childishly expect. But no, I knew back then that I was right, and this little crapfest created and aided by monkeys once and for all have PROVED 100% that GMC does not deserve your games. If the GMC gets entertained by nothing but manure, MAKE SURE that they get nothing but manure. Don't put your games that you've worked hard on in there. You'll only get ridiculed and you'll end up getting a hernia out of rage that nobody replied to the game that you KNOW deserves the attention, while the clowns flock over to Drink Tea or Die 23 and give out tons of accolades for a game that deserves not one.

I've had it. I'm NEVER posting another one of my games in there. EVER. Those idiots really and seriously cannot find a good or even decent game enjoyable even if it bit them in the face. If you've worked hard on a game, do yourself a favor and DON'T put it in the GMC. They clearly don't deserve your games. They only deserve the manure they praise.

EDIT: Correction. The amount of idiots have increased since I posted this. Now, over 48 votes have gone to retarded Drink Tea or Die.


melee-master 18 years, 6 months ago

Just imagine what 64 will be like when we post about it at the GMC. XD

aeron 18 years, 6 months ago

AMEN! I worked a long hard time (several months) on my latest game, and got 3 FREAKIN REPLIES! THREE! Bullshit. Total Bullshit.

Tasm 18 years, 6 months ago

*replies to subsonic's topic*

Agreed x 1337…

wtf Jake, you avatar blinks? MAKE IT STOP!

KaBob799 18 years, 6 months ago

I dont post my games on GMC and I never plan to, its too stupid.

rockyran 18 years, 6 months ago

Wow…just wow. Two more games of that stupid Drink Tea or Die thing have been made. One by our very own Maciman657, who is officialy now a retard, and another by the same idiot who made Kill Lavos. He's obviously an idiot who can't make good games yet wants attention…and it's working.

Hopeless…just…hopeless. I'm considering not even stepping into the GMC creations board altogether.

shadowstrike32 18 years, 6 months ago

Drink tea or die!

Drink tea or Die another day!

I swear if i hear one more thing about this drinking tea shit, I am going to demolish the GMC to a state where it cannot be repaired. Or at least try anyway… chronic has some wierd software on that server…

Aura_of_End 18 years, 6 months ago

I've got an idea, lets all upload viruses to the GMC!

rockyran 18 years, 6 months ago

I swear if i hear one more thing about this drinking tea shit, I am going to demolish the GMC to a state where it cannot be repaired. Or at least try anyway… chronic has some wierd software on that server…

Well, your "wish" has been granted. Another idiot (Jenner) made a DToD 4 and Game Maker Freako, who was always a retard, has made a DTaD.

Do your worst, shadow. :D

Jabberwock 18 years, 6 months ago

I don't use GMC really, because I think the people over there are mostly jerks, but I also sort of like Drink Tea or Die. :/ I had no idea that it had gone this far, though, and I think it's ridiculous. So I guess I half agree with you.

Cesar 18 years, 6 months ago

it is true, and i'll join your strike of not posting games on the GMC… i agree that game quality has reduced over the years, but this is a new low, beyond the 0 point, actually, very few 64d users LIKE DToD, indicating that most of us are smart. it surprises me that people with many years of GM and GMC experience actually like this game, you'd think it's only noobs, but people like Mocha Man, Magicman657, and Kafeithekeiton (who created kill lavos), all have loads of respect destroyed with this game, luckily, we can rant all we want about it…

us at the GMC aren't jerks, the only thing is that there are many flame wars because noobs post stupid games (or the new low, DToD games)… The new score sheet for the cage match is only about replay value… so i think that the GMC will be destroyed of experienced users because of Mr.Kubus's DToD and Mocha Man's choosing of DToD for the cagematch… think of what the book users will think of us! noobs who like making crappy games and other noobs who LIKE THEM! they'll say: "screw this!" and leave! the GMC creations is now a graveyard in my opinion…