Rant-n-Rave #9

Posted by rockyran on July 23, 2006, 6:34 p.m.

<i><b>Phantom Moderator:</b> Here, I'll sum up this entire post.

"I don't like noobs. There are alot of them."

Now, I'll remove it from the front page. (not because you've really broken any rules, but I don't like ranting. You did nothing but complain this entire blog.)</i>

And because the woes of a GMC member CANNOT be compiled into just one Rant-n-Rave, there has got to be another one solely on that topic as well. There won't be any more GMC-based RnRs in the future for a long time however.

So, over the past few days (yes, DAYS) people's IQs have managed to drop at least by 20 points. How anyone can be THIS stupid is really hard to imagine (click). I mean…wow. And once I get into seeing who this absolute genius was, I remember he made THIS topic and THIS ONE too! What in the name of hell's bathroom is wrong with this person? Is he just….mentally challenged or is anyone capable of that much n00bness completely and solely confined in one human being? Can the name of Science and all that is logical allow such an entity to exist with these many traits at the same time?

I mean…this stuff should be in the Guiness Book of World Records. This stuff I have never seen before. People complaining…COMPLAINING…about lack of originality when the person himself has an IQ of -5. My brain simply cannot comprehend these turn of events.

It seems as though people have gotten stupider BY THE DAY. Sure, the n00b-to-veteran ratio was steadily declining as shown here:


However, this was a steady progress. However, the GMC went from a place looking like this:




In merely a matter of days, perhaps even hours!

So perhaps…perhaps this has been a sick and twisted form of the apocalypse. For ages people have been pondering the fact of whether the world would end soon or not, and if so, how it was going to end. Perhaps this is in some way linked to these otherwise unfathomable events. Stupid people rise from the depths of an abysmal void to spread their "knowledge" onto others. Once everyone has been exposed to these doofuses, people will turn to doofuses themselves. Humans will rapidly degenerate into neanderthals and kill themselves due to lack of intelligence, irritability and utter confusion.

But I'm getting ahead of myself here. Stupid people are REALLY getting on the brink of insanity over at the GMC. Ablach Blackrat a mod who, God blesss him, has NOT shot himself in the eye after this n00bness massacre, has enforced a merciless and otherwise exquisite punishment for ANYONE who flames to any degree in the Creations forum. Some…___ person dared to say that not ALL flaming is bad. Some is right and wrong. Wow…just…wow…even his username has n00b in it. Take a look at the board to see what I mean:


So how can we explain this hideous transformation? How can we stop it? Alas, I say we cannot prevent or stop any of this from taking place. What I advice is to get the HELL out of the GMC before the doofuses doof you up, or else you too will become one of them. I've had to fight the urge greatly against typing "grammer" instead of "grammar". It's insane…just insane…


poultry 18 years, 7 months ago

I must say, you totally annoy me.

Kaz 18 years, 7 months ago

Best. Rant. Ever

rockyran 18 years, 7 months ago

Heh, this blog was removed from the front page because I've done "nothing but complain" in this blog. Well, guess what this series of blogs is called?

Takagi 18 years, 7 months ago

That was funny. This is better than some of my stuff. :)