Rant-n-Rave #10

Posted by rockyran on July 31, 2006, 4:24 p.m.

"Oh noes! Nobody's above the law! Even the law upholders have to follow it!"

Anyone read this before? I sure have, and I can safely tell you that this statement is manure. Why? Because cops are INSANELY privileged. That's right, a lot of the time they use their government-given powers to abuse it and to do whatever they want. (NOTE: Not all officers are like this, but this is just a select number who enjoy to abuse their power, which is not that small)

So why exactly would they do this? Mostly, I believe, is because the officers simply have power. They can arrest, stop, and do whatever they want to other people. Several cases have been brought up where the officer assumes that they're the infinite entity of authority and get pissed at people who dare challenge their dictator-y commands with mere reason (e.g. What charges do I have against me?). An officer in Houston (about a year ago) was expelled from the force by cussing out a driver and beating him unreasonably. Some cops don't necessarily know when to use their guns, and sometimes shoot just because they don't know what to do.

And here's the best part, sometimes they use their power to do whatever THEY want, not necessarily something having to do with their jobs. In Texas, many officers just LOVE to perch themselves in a tricky spot in the street, such as a sudden drop in the speed limit or a downhill section just to have an excuse to stop drivers.They don't actually try to make a warning sign or make the posted speed limit more visible. In short, they don't want to help the driving public, they want to reprimand it.

Other more severe cases that I've seen is a video of an officer in a car who turns on his siren lights to pass a red light simply because he didn't feel like waiting. He turned on his sirens in a 4-way intersection, made everyone stop, ignored the traffic lights, took a right turn and promptly turned off his lights. And to this I say, WTF???

Not only this, but other "civil services" get this privilege. Recently, I saw a city bus completely passing a red light with no regard to anyone else. This brought me to thinking, has anyone EVER seen a municipal bus being stopped by an officer? Of course not, because somehow, the buses don't have to follow the traffic rules.

Sometimes, it just seems to me like they're giving privileges to just anyone, not necessarily someone who is going to use them properly. Sure, there are officers/bus drivers who follow the rules and use their "powers" appropriately, but some use it just because they can, or to feel good about reprimanding others and making them feel high and mighty. Wow, these people have a lot to learn in their lives…


Arcalyth 18 years, 6 months ago

Hah, you have 1743 hits and that's my member number on the GMC.


Cesque 18 years, 6 months ago

"Oh noes! Nobody's above the law! Even the law upholders have to follow it!"

Of course nobody's above the law. Just the law itself gives some advantages and allows them to exploit it :P

If I make a law, "Noone can hunt deers except for the king", then no one is above the law. The king also has to follow it, but his part is that he can hunt while others can't.