Prior to E3, I loved Sony to death. I had stuck with Nintendo since the NES era and I was ready to move on, as I had not seen many games recently for Nintendo that appealed to me. I was ready to "grow" into the PS, since the PS2 seemed like a great system. I know by now that the PS2 is terribly outdated, so I decided to go for a PS3.
Until…the E3 came. Then, I despised the PS3 like hell. Why do you ask? For various reasons: One, the Blu-ray. This little tingy device is nothing but premature technology. Like everything else that's "new" in electronics, these things are outrageously expensive because of its high production costs at the beginning. Sony is like a desperate little child trying to stick their toy into as many places as possible so it gets noticed. Sony wants to stick Blu-ray down our throats so it becomes popular. What do we get? Premature and outrageously over-priced technology that WE have to pay for. Them good 'ole CDs still work just fine, so this is obviously an unnecessary change.Still then, however, we have to look at the rest of the "features". Oh, what features? The motion-sensor technology?That was blatant ripoff of the Wii. You can't tell me it was "inspired" by Nintendo. Oh sure, that technology was available ages ago, but it's no mere coincidence that this was introduced right in the middle of the Wii craze.The integrated hard drive that had virtually no difference from a separate hard drive?I mean, you're really just paying for the same hard drive. If it's external, you're paying for it separately, and if it's internal, you're paying those 70$ or so extra for the console. You're never actually saving anything.The underdeveloped, high-priced and potentially buggy Blu-ray?I mean, the Blu-ray is really new. There's no piece of technology that is flawless at launch, so having a massive system recall is not that farfetched.The Linux and web browsing capabilities that have barely anything to do with gaming?The upcoming scratch free disks?I mean, unless you have some serious issues putting disks in their repsective place when not using them, CDs can last a lifetime.The super-powerful specs?Those specs bring me to another point. I generally don't like where the gaming industry is going now. All that matters is the pretty graphics, the massive voice actors, the awesome soundtrack and the online capabilities. When was the last time I saw something completely innovative? I mean, the FPS genre has had no major overhaul since the Doom era, given all those FPS's play the same except with prettier graphics and a few tweaks here and there (like the drivable vehicles in Halo). There's 9,999 war games that all look EXACTLY alike. And finally, all the graphical schemes of the games look exactly the same. Everyone is going for realism, so every single freaking game looks freaking the same! The only thing that games have now going for them is the hype, about how many hours the gameplay has (who cares if I'm staring at a pretty-faced MMORPG hero for 20,000 hours if I'm not having any fun?), how realisitc the graphics are and how "awesome" the soundtrack is. To me, the gaming industry is going full speed in the wrong direction.So…the 600-dollar PS3 is that price because it's in full support of everything I've said above. We're paying $600 to support the millionth generic FPS, War game, football game and MMORPG out there. The gaming industry cares not to make things that are fun. They just want to make things that sell. And since pretty graphics and Dolby Surround sells to them, they'll keep cranking Medal of Honor 800 if that's what it takes to get them money. We're only going to be paying for the super-computer designed to run the super-spec game, not the super-fun game. Who the freak cares about pretty graphics if we're not going to have any fun while doing so? The way I see it, that's the gaming industry's sole focus: all the bells and whistles and nothing on the core of a game.So the PS3 is most definitely NOT the way to go for me. If I'm having a blast playing MegaMan V, I'm never going to need more than 8-Bit graphics. Ergo, the money being spent on the supercomputer PS3 is only going to power those generic games I've grown to hate. My only option is obviously to go for a Wii (again…staying with Nintendo…again), but since I'm a bit skeptical about the entire motion-sensor thing (some risks taken aren't always the best. Anyone remember the VirtualBoy?), I'll wait about a year to see how it all fairs out.
Sony sucks. Let's face it. They are claiming that they will eliminate the entire PC gaming market. Which is essentially saying they want us gone.
They are a TECHNOLOGY company, not a WE FUCKING RULE THE ENTIRE WORLD company. They don't understand that. They are just greedy sonsofbitches. They always will be. They have been going downhill since the PS2 came out. When the PS1 came out, they jsut wanted to entertain you. Since the PS2 came out, they wanted to control you, and destroy every other entertainment system. Destroying Sega's console division turned them evil. They haven't stopped since then. They are trying to see how many companies they can stomp.I personally hope the Wii will kick ass. Notice I used 'hope' instead of 'will'. People who say it will kick-ass have no right saying that unless they played it at E3.
Eternal is right! and so is TG… Sony IS trying to become a "We fucking rule the entire world" company…
Nintendo rules. I can't wait to download tons of classic games.
I kind of agree and disiagree with your complaints about games now. Big companies like EA do make things focused mainly on graphics and sound because it sells. That's how they make money. This is ok until it takes away from the gameplay, which happens only sometimes. It's also not that great when it gets to the point where it can't run on my computer or we're paying $600 for a console. There are a few great games that brake through despite the graphical hype such as Darwinia, Black & White 2 and sometimes the realism push is a good thing when it spills over to physics, the most objious case being half-life 2. I too am going to get a Wii because it's going to be better than both the Xbox360, PS3 and it's going to be cheaper, and i don't particularly need a blu-ray or HD-DVD player.
I really don't mind when games go all-out as far as story and music, a good example being halo.The biggest problem with nintendo is they seem to be agains graphics in it's attempt to be not like it's competetors, to the point that even on what i've seen of the wii, there are pixelated textures, visible polygons, crappy lighting and no bump- and ennvironment-mapping.I forgot to say, also, nintendo is actually publishing Wii Sports and Wii music, which are basically the produbt of programmers figuring out how to program for the controller. The people don't even have fricken arms.