Rant-n-Rave #14

Posted by rockyran on Sept. 1, 2006, 8:41 p.m.

MySpace should be nuked.

I COULD just end the blog here, but I won't because first of all, it would be considered a one liner. Second of all, it will be no Rant-n-Rave of mine without the coveted Wall-O-Text to go with it. Third of all, I need to get out the angry out of my system, as I always do.

Way back when people weren't stupid (well, it wasn't THAT far back), I signed up in a little service people call MySpace. So what's it all about, and why did I venture into this world? Basically, myspace is like this user page you're reading right now, except that you have no badges, and you can do with the page whatever you please (literally). And why did I sign up? Because all the kool kats exerted their peer pressure and convinced me to get one, given it was the talk of the world.

So I set up my page, participate in the many polls from the bulletins and chain messages, change my page once or twice and kind of forget about it due to my short attention span and my desire to move into bigger and better things. Months go by and things start to get bad.

Firstly, they allowed the ability to put Youtube videos in there. Not only that, but you can put ANY AMOUNT of Youtube videos in there. You can input and automatically run 8 youtube videos if it tickles your fancy, although it most likely doesn't tickle your browser's fancy, and it will promptly implode.

Secondly, the MySpace staff thought they could sqeeze a bit of moolah out of this fad. They started to add ads, then more and more up until they had ads up the wazoo. There's easily at least 5 banners and ads in one time cornered in the most cornery of corners of each page.

Thirdly, everyone in that foresaken site has next to no (actually, none) taste at all when it comes to design. The first culprits are the staff themselves. The site started off a bit simple, and they just kept adding and adding crap to it, not changing anything about the interface in the process. The end result was that they stacked up feature after feature on top fo the basic layout and everything was overwhelmingly crowded among the small page that has not changed in appearance. Apparently, new "versions" of the site is an alien feature to them.

But it's not only the staff that has no consideration for the human eye. People are also incredibly stupid when they build their sites. People tend to pick a bright color that burns your eyes, another bright color for fonts so you can't read jack without highlighting the text. They add on top some emo song, the video of that emo song from youtube (actually, 6 videos of different emo songs at the same time), results of the "What's your acupuncturist type" self-test on your info, 60 or so pictures of disgusting shirtless frat boys (if the site is from a girl), and a butt ugly background. They can also see it fit to add the ability to make tables transparent (which destroys your browser's capability to live), as well as displaying people's comments from up to and including 3 years ago.

The result? One heap mess of spammy spam page with 80 things going on at the same time. Upon entering these pages, your eyes, brain and browser will explode due to uglyness and destruction of computer's memory.

That's not including the awesome bulletins your friends post. All of them include a list of boring minutiae about people's lives that you neither know or WANT to know about, people saying "OMGZ!!1!11! cHeCk MMy nEW PicTureZ guyZZ!!!Shift+1!! CommENT NAO!!" in one line, and chain letters including the line "If j00 DO'nt SEnD DIS, j00 wIll nEVar get MARried!11! XOMG!1!!!"

The newest feature they have added is the ability to befriend produts. Yes, I said it right. You can befriend inanimate objects. Apparently, the staff realized that their audience actually befriends inanimate objects in real life, and promptly added this feature to fit the masses. So now, you can befriend deodorant, a cereal box and even a unicycle! I don't really see a point in this, given nobody will ever want to say "i'M fRIends wITH A tube SOck!!!", but then again, I don't see a point in the entire site at all.

I cannot ever fathom how anyone can spend hours upon hours of resending chain bulletins, commenting on retarded photos of someone's "trIP to Da NYC!!", searching for their 390,302th friend (including Tom, who most likely doesn't even exist in real life, similarily to Betty Crocker), and creating their next craptastic design that's so ugly it will cause you to stab your eye with a letter opener. Yes, the idea of creating your own website is nice, but if you don't know jack about making websites or design at all, extremely crappy and impractical designs ought to pop up. Add to that the extreme freedoms that one can have on that site and the extremely ugly interface of the site itself, and you've got one nightmare of a site.

The solution? There is no solution. MySpace is beyond hope. The only solution I can think of is to nuke MySpace. Sure, all the emo kids will have nowhere to go, but maybe they'll go outside and, god forbid, experience the wonders of natural sunlight, wear normal clothes and stop cutting themselves. Not only that, but nuking MySpace will save society from an eternal damnation of ignorance and stupidity. Who knows? Maybe stopping this monster of a site will lead to enlightenments such as finding the cure for cancer and stopping global warming.


NeutralReiddHotel 18 years, 4 months ago

MySpace should be nuked.

I agree. Simple solution, yet, no one has done it yet.

(Sorry for double posting)

Firebird 18 years, 4 months ago

MySpace sucks so bad.

flashback 18 years, 4 months ago

On acidplanet, there was a poll. It asked how much, on average, you visit myspace. The winner? Once a Year.

marbs 18 years, 4 months ago

I. Hate. Myspace.

Cesar 18 years, 4 months ago

I. Hate. Myspace.

Why don't we just nuke the servers? sure, there are tons of hot girls there, but you'll blow your computer up… my soul cried when the girl i liked joined myspace… oh well, there's a reason she got raped…

Eternal 18 years, 4 months ago

Okay, the horrible design and emo kids are one thing. The insecurity is another. You can embed ActiveX controls into your myspace, as well as .vbs files. You'd think that "Tom", supposedly the coder of myspace, would realize that this is extremely stupid and remove it. Does he? No. Also, there is the fact that you can put iframes on your myspace. Seriously, if I felt like it, which I never would, I could create a myspace, join all of those friend train things, and then embed viruses into my myspace, and destroy hundreds of computers. Also, last I checked, they still supported .wmf as picture files. That was at the time of the big exploit, however.