Rant-n-Rave #18

Posted by rockyran on Oct. 2, 2006, 5:02 p.m.

Seriously. Somebody please tell me one reason to not stop going to the GMC altogether. I've been talking about stopping for many a time, but I've never actually said "That's it" and stop going there altogether for some mysterious reason.

But the GMC in general is NOT the main point of this RnR (there's been quite a few already about it), but more specifically, the Cage Match.

This match consists of large controversies that have brought nothing but much stress for nearly everyone involved, even those who have nothing to do with the games (like me). I have personally not played either of those two games, but all the mishaps involved with those really fire me up (really, everything fires me up, you haven't noticed that?).

This shameful display comes from BOTH sides of the Cage Match. We all know why ColumnsX is not quite the most legitimate competitor out there, given JakeX has used the arsenal of 64D to his advantage and mercilessly as well as shamelessly advertised for the game. Jake, DON'T push that warn button, just listen. Do you really think it's an honest way to sticky notes and post news blogs about voting for the game? I would have NOTHING against you if you didn't do these things because if you didn't, you being an admin in 64D would have nothing to do with it. However, you are, and the fact that you have shamelessly advertised for your game really doesn't make all this honest at all. I know, however, that you have tried at being not biased anymore (judging from your last news post about playing BOTH games before voting), but you shouldn't have done it in the first place.

I know this is all old news as of now, but the real problem lies between ALL people affected, not just JakeX. I highly dislike the way that people just throw every single ounce of anger at JakeX just becuase of the 64D fiasco, but there's a lot more issues with this week's Cage Match. A lot more.

First off is bias from the Evolites side. You say "What? Bias? WTF?" But you know about it. People treat Fred like some god from the universe and really just vote for the game because it was from Fred. "What do you mean? Do you stalk people and see who they vote for and for what reason?" You don't need to do that because it's all very obvious. Look at the Cage Match comments. The majority of the reasons people list for voting on Evolites are all very lame and absurd. They're basically saying "Yeah, I voted for it because…yeah". It's obvious that nobody's going to say "I voted for it because it was from Fred", but you can hear it altogether. It's fine if you have your own opinions and like it just because, but you can really, REALLY tell that they're voting just because it was from Fred. You don't need to be a genius to realize it. People incessantly praising Fred for no reason pretty much balances out any "advantages" JakeX could possibly have from this Cage Match.

I've discussed bias from ColumnsX side, so I won't need to discuss it there. However, the biggest shame of this entire fiasco has to deal with the stupidity from the actual voters. People all over the place have never given a reason for their voting, merely stating that they voted for it just because. It's fine if they just thought it was the better game, but bias from the actual user is pretty evident, completely missing the point of the Cage Match.

The behavior is also very underwhelming. People all over the place flame each other over stupid crap like what game is a clone of which (really, the fact that games are "clones" or fangames shouldn't ever govern your decision) as well as arguing that JakeX made this all imbalanced.

I fully support the decision from Ablach to close the comments, because people are just extremely immature when it comes to a controversial issue. I wouldn't be surprised if he closed the Cage Matches altogether because after all, they all say it's a joke of a competition. I mean, what kind of dolt goes to the Cage Match topic to berate it? You think it's going to result in anything positive?


Theonlywonderboy 18 years, 4 months ago

True True but as I said why can't he advertise. What if you couldn't advertise if were running for president

I do see it unfair if 64 votes for ColumsX just becasue It's Jake's game.

Cesar 18 years, 4 months ago

it really sucks, the cage match, it's stupid what they do all the time… this is just the final straw… the stupidest thing is that people are thinking that columnsX is a clone of tetris… WTF? and they don't vote for columnsX because it's a fangame… again, WTF? The accusing of Evolites of spore is also preposterous… seriously, it's not even OUT YET, so WTF?

Eternal 18 years, 4 months ago

pretty much balances out any "advantages" JakeX could possibly have from this Cage Match.

I'm not exactly sure about that. Sure, Evolites does get a lot of votes because it's from Fred, but I don't think as many as JakeX got from abuse.

Seriously, though. I have noticed several references to me in this, possibly unintentionally. If these were intentional, reread everything I've said about the Cage Match. I do not hate either of the games, or the creators, and I have been using a bit of sarcasm lately. I'm still working on those skills, though, so if you didn't know it, you might not have noticed.

Eternal 18 years, 4 months ago

True True but as I said why can't he advertise. What if you couldn't advertise if were running for president
Also, like SJF has said, that's horrible comparison. Advertising is one thing. Abusing your admin powers to get people to vote is another.

melee-master 18 years, 4 months ago

"why can't he advertise"

Because it puts shame to 64Digits and its staff. That's why I deleted the news post.

"First off is bias from the Evolites side. You say "What? Bias? WTF?" But you know about it."

I'd like to take this chance to say that I was not being biased when I voted for Evolites. I truly liked Evolites more than ColumnsX.

But nonetheless, some good points you have.

SleepinJohnnyFish 18 years, 4 months ago

No one cares whether or not you never go to GMC again…

I'm in full support of you never coming here since you find it necessary to write rants like this.

SleepinJohnnyFish 18 years, 4 months ago

Also, the presidential issue could be resolved if, perhaps, it was compared to a mroe fitting analogy.

It would be like the president saying "Alright, we're going to call a national vote for gay marriage… but remember, I think it should be illegal." and then pretending like he didn't just turn the vote.

*note: No, I don't give a damn about the president or gay marriage… it's just an example.

Josea 18 years, 4 months ago

In my opinion the cage match was a good competition, some of very high standard and proudness until around the CM 103. Since then it has become simply stupidity and votes manipulation.

I once liked to one day see one of my creations there, but now it looks like a simple stupid poll in the game creations forum of the GMC.

I think that if Ablach doesn't shutdown the cage matches now, it'll happen another incident similar to this one, very soon, and then Ablach will shutdown definitevely the cage matches.

sk8m8trix 18 years, 4 months ago

fred roxors :P

Arcalyth 18 years, 4 months ago

Fred is a moderator at the GMC. He got his game in 7 weeks after the 8 week limit that mysteriously rose on this particular cagematch. Fred is claimed by others to make 'the best games in the world'.

Jake is an admin at 64digits. He's made a few individual games. He's a GameCave member.

That's enough for status. Now for bias:

Jake posted blogs about it, as did Chiken, and I did on the first cage match with CsX in it.

Fred didn't. So, yeah…

I have nothing against Jake. He's a great guy. It's just that sometimes, things go to people's heads. It's human nature.