platform shooter story line

Posted by rufus on May 19, 2010, 10:36 p.m.

this is a converstation with my freind mike, via facebook.

Mike yes but i only do films that somehow portray me as a sterotype then all of a sudden i know kung fu, which is another sterotype in its self, anyway.

26 minutes ago ·

Me: we should do one of those 1980's style buddy movies, where we gotta stop a guy from poisoning the worlds water supply with mysterious chemical. but at the end of the movie (of course after a like-able secondary character gets killed.) we corner the guy, presumably black (some afraican dictator?), and he gives us a long winded speech, where you are standing there getting ready to lay the white man kungfu down, and me with my ridiculously oversized gun, we come to find out that he is not crazy he is releasing a chemical into the water to counteract the affects of the United States governments mass brainwashing to turn the populace into a war machine to finaly over throw russia. we get on our throat mics and tell the president to shove it. tossing the mics we walk into the foreground with our new friend in tow. leaving room for a sequel.

that acutally sounds pretty good.

2 minutes ago ·

i think with some work that could be a amazing platform shooter story, any thoughts?

and yes i am going to go with the late 80's Buddy Movie theme.


rufus 14 years, 9 months ago

if i was acid dont you think i could program a little better?