racism on the gmc

Posted by rufus on May 25, 2010, 11:18 a.m.

okay before you tear me apart, check this out. its really kinda sick, i have a game with a African dictator that turns out to be a good guy after you spend the first half of the game trying to stop him. instead of alot of constructive criticism i was getting told, dont make him black, oh make your man character black, all this stupid crap. check this out.


this is my take on the whole matter below.

well the president is going to be a white man, and so is the dictator. both are equally evil or good depending on your stance in the matter.

We have a black president now that is evil, and we had white men as presidents forever, some evil as well. black folks can be good as well as evil, skin color is just that, color.

i know white folks in real life that are good, and some that are racist slurs, same with black folks (as in they can be normal, good folks, or slurs). its how you act, not your skin color.

off topic of course, but i had a baby girl that was half Mexican, her mom was a piece of junk, but she wasn't. it didn't matter that she wasnt all the way "brown," it mattered that her grandma raised her because i wasn't allowed to see her because of her mom(my ex) and her mom was worthless.

its how your raised and how you act, not what color you are


Castypher 14 years, 8 months ago

Teddy bears that bring you lemonade would actually be a very good game addition, particularly if said lemonade was spiked and if said teddy bears were rabid and/or going to rape you.

rufus 14 years, 8 months ago

kilin i feel a mini game coming on.

Iluvfuz 14 years, 8 months ago

People can BE racial slurs? I never knew that.

SteveKB 14 years, 8 months ago

I am confused. Is he mad at me ? or am i not able to read the tone of his comment towards me @___@ well i'll explain that I was actually saying that it would've prevented problems lol

rufus 14 years, 8 months ago

No, Meow, you never see a game saying "You play a white man named Bob, and you blah blah blah." I just never thought of that. That was actually a valid point.

oh and at ILUVFUZZ, every white person you see isn't white trash, but the way they act COULD make them a racist slur in your mind.

SteveKB 14 years, 8 months ago

oh thanks I was just unsure. Glad we are off to a good start, I guess it was your reply to sirxemic that threw me off :P

Toast 14 years, 8 months ago

At least we agree, just don't mention race. If he's a certain race, then that's because of where he is in the world or his origin, not because he's bad and corrupt.

It's not being racist, we just come from a… paranoid time. So just don't discuss it, there's no need. I won't if you won't.

carritohmc 14 years, 8 months ago

Just make all the characters gray. Problem solved.

(btw…. joke)

SteveKB 14 years, 8 months ago

oh yeah you need to make one of them a lesbian woman to satisfy some other groups.

shawn 14 years, 8 months ago

This is like that episode of south park.

Just not as funny.