Posted by rufus on June 8, 2010, 1:02 p.m.

The GMC has really went down hill as of late. Has anyone else noticed that? For example:

1. Rick rolling gets you banned.

2. like 50 people read your post before answering. And alot of times its something like "yeah its possible."

3. I got banned for asking for Dr. Phil sprites.

4. Also, they talk alot of shit about the mods here needing to grow up.


rufus 14 years, 8 months ago

sorry i meant the YYG forums talking about the mods.

I googled 64digits and stuff came up about it/

My mistake.

Iluvfuz 14 years, 8 months ago

Lol@deleting my post. Who even does that?

Zaron 14 years, 8 months ago

GMC and YYG = I don't even bother with it. =3= Sometimes I'll wind up in there hunting down DLLs or something mundane, but generally speaking if anyone asks a question ahrder than "LOL HOW YOU DRAW CIRCLE?" nobody knows what to do, from what I've seen, save one or two people that promptly get called stupid or some equivalent while everyone resumes smashing each others' faces in with hammers.

PS.: I'm prone to exaggeration. This time it's only slight.

RC 14 years, 8 months ago

I don't really like the GMC due to it being strict with the rules.

YYG and the GMC are ran separately, meaning moderators at YYG are not (usually) moderators at the GMC, and the only 13 year old moderator at YYG is NessXX as far as I know.