summer time...

Posted by rufus on June 21, 2010, 3:29 p.m.

Hello, I thought it would be kinda cool to share summer memories, both good and bad. I will start.


Playing catcher for the T-Birds a couple years ago (softball) and catching a infield pop fly for a out and then tagging the runner coming in to home for a double play.


Hitting my first home run and talking shit all the way around the diamond and freaking out only to get yelled out by Coach for not tagging the bases and masturbating and it didnt count.


Having a .211 batting average.


Finding out that a .211 batting average is good in the MLB but sucks royal ass in softball.

Okay, lets here yours!


rufus 14 years, 8 months ago

.300 is considered pretty good in the mlb, and of course that .211 isnt great but i smoke like two packs a day and im out of shape, so i was pretty happy.

it means that i get slightly over two hits in ten pitches, (average) that means i hit it and i get on base, not just hitting the ball.