
Posted by rufus on Jan. 18, 2011, 7:52 p.m.

okay hello everyone. So, late last month i decided to stay with my girlfriend, being xmas time and all i didn't feel right leaving her, plus other reasons.

Well i had a moment of weakness, about the middle of the month and had to see my exgirlfreind as a way to see my son, which doesn't make it right but still, you gotta do what you gotta do, to qoute a great man.

Well anyways, stuff was going pretty great, the guilt was eating me up but i wasnt the first time ive done it. To her? Yes. So i kinda pushed it to the back of my mind, we belive in trust and pretty much built a decent relationship on trust, except for my big setback. Yes i felt bad but i had to do it to save our relationship and the relationship with my son. Im only a man damn it, there was some complicated stuff happening in our relationship bedroom wise.

So anyways, her brother was in trouble and she needed to borrow money from me, okay why not, we were in this together. Well she comes home from work the next day and tells me that we cant afford this house any more and her brother already signed off and out of his aprtment, so my money was for her half of the deposit. I was irate. So while iw as packing up to leave her she was crying and saynig not to do it she cares so much ect ect. So, still not having my money i decided to stay with her, stuff is hard right now in our realtionship, she fucked me over soooo bad by doing that but she apoligized out the wazoo about it and genuinely seems upset and wants to continue it. So say why not? I got way more money back than what i loaned her, and other stuff as way of apology, she did it to help her brother out, as in, she mentioned it months ago before we got together and he went ahead and did it. So im back at home, at 23, feeling like a huge creeper. But we are working on it. In fact im stepping out with my freind to drink and run around but staying faithful. Which really really surprised me.

Oh and P.S. Shes not a huge bitch, really pretty sweet, a teenager that also happens to be pregnant so i gotta cut her some slack.

I know pretty much everyone on heres a big ole honking jerkface but it was nice to get it out to strangers, i feel better anyways.

Also, im chat rouletting right now so im typing one handed, please excuse the typographical errors.


JuurianChi 14 years, 1 month ago

okay hello everyone. So, late last month i decided to stay with my girlfriend, being xmas time and all i didn't feel right leaving her, plus other reasons.
Plus other reasons?

My first thought was "Bow chicka wow wow!"

Birth control, kids…Learn it!

Quietus 14 years, 1 month ago

you don't do much to keep from seeming like a total piece of shit you know. just saying.

sirxemic 14 years, 1 month ago

Also, im chat rouletting right now so im typing one handed, please excuse the typographical errors.
Writing about your troubles while jacking off? Interesting… ._.

rufus 14 years, 1 month ago

Well im not trying to sound like a total piece of shit. I belive about being open and honest with my blog readers, you know, complete strangers. Honestly? I felt like walking on egg shells everyday, we didnt fight much but when we do/did it was really pretty bad. Im just getting everything out there, but being with her i really changed alot about myslef in my life. Last serious girl i was with i was with teenagers like it wast Statutory Amnesty Day. I didnt pay any bills or clean up after myslef. But now ive really changed. My half of stuff was paid, the house was cleaned, by me only, and i stayed away from all temptation. Except for one slip with someone i really love. But she says if i can forgive her from this than she can forgive me for what i did. So like i said, i got nothing to lose but time. I dont want to wake up one day and realized i wasted alot of time with nothing to show for it. Idid that once grow up at twenty to help the girl i was seeing at the time, i adopted my exs son two years into the realtionship and never regretted it becuase i was all he had. So i wasted my party years to be a dad and a good husband, i was and still am the former but shitty in the latter. Now thats thats over i dont want to wake up and find that im working in a dead end job and no flesh and blood kids of my own, thats honestly my biggest fear. I know im not going to find happiness with Teenyboppers but i think this girls different if we both get our heads out of our asses. I dunno, tho, im on the fence every day about what to do about it, i tried to do right by her but it seems like i got shit on.

And JuurianChi, yes very much so. Sorry the chat roulte thing was a joke.

DFortun81 14 years, 1 month ago

Spaces between paragraphs and main points make it easier to read. Essay format is for suckers and English professors only. If you want your blog readers to keep doing so, do that justice for them. Same for comments.

rufus 14 years, 1 month ago


JuurianChi 14 years, 1 month ago


OBELISK 14 years, 1 month ago

Bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks.

JuurianChi 14 years, 1 month ago


Omega_Squid 14 years, 1 month ago

Disregard females, acquire currency.