
Posted by s on March 16, 2007, 9:18 p.m.

Did a nice conversion,again(Last was Seiklus),this time though TAC wouldn't AutoStop so I had to click cancel just as it hit 100%

I've started a 1Dgame called pdx,a FreeRoamer(2Dgameplay)

You are a pixel called c_lime and move left and right.But there are pits and stuff to go to other rows.I think I may also try to make one with 1Dgameplay,but it couldn't be much of a FreeRoamer.Since noone responds to my embedded questions,I'll use the bTag.Any 1Dgameplay ideas?

Espion is going slow,working on a part of the level that is really mazy,so I have to sit back and think.I also had to think about my jumping collisions,here is an ASCII diagram

O can't jump to X

I figure it can actually be an advantage,nice one way passage



Castypher 17 years, 11 months ago

Pixel…wouldn't that be kinda hard to see? Collisions would have to be pretty precise, too. Sounds interesting if it's an exploration game. Maybe you could make the graphics farily simple, so you can see yourself, or maybe make sure the "pixel" is at least 3x3. Other than that, sounds fun.

s 17 years, 11 months ago

Its really a pixel,with max scaling.I have no sprites,all just draw_pixel(x,0)

And its a single row of pixels viewed at a time

Castypher 17 years, 11 months ago


stevo 17 years, 11 months ago

Sounds interesting I might have to look in on that.