
Posted by s on April 3, 2007, 10:52 p.m.

Ya,I've been getting into making all my words be 3letters,but I'll spare you readers

So I was having some more fun playing with URLs(Ya,I'm crazy like that)

So I've looked around the images for awhile already,melee-master is a 20/10 apparently.Saw the badges for ColumnsX needs(10Kglyph isn't impossible,I've made 500glyphs in a day)(Why is DesertFox's site in the badges directory?)

Anyways,I started having fun with FTPs

Shadow Yoshi has his own site apparently(pretty basic)and I decided to have some fun and check out how crowded the mod FTPs were

DesertFox's can't be browsed

firestormx's can't be browsed

flashback has an EXE uploaded

JakeX has has a bunch of stuff.I tried out some awsome GM6s(loved moonlight,but Ja3D was sorta weird)and behold,CaveStory!Ya,I'm now playing an english CaveStory(I've never got to playing it,but I really wanted to so…).Thanks JakeX,especially for *************

Today everybody left history cuz the teacher never showed up.I stayed,watched the video we were suppose to watch and got a call home for being absent because the people who faked the attendance like to laugh at me for being in G9.And I actually did my math hw(in class(stupid exponents,so boring(math teacher doesn't even get 2^5=4^10, 3^7=9^14 or how to deal with 2^5*(-2)^3)))GEEZ

Also,I have finally finished the quick little maze part of Espion(really slowing me down,I released pxd and Stipler during the section's design)

Speaking of Stipler,lots of people said it had no use.Well,JoshDreamland is now using it to take away that nasty grass tile he was using(Do note I changed the density,though he likes it being dense).While at it,I also gave him a new cliff generator and made a NonRandom mesh generator.The entire code,when not counting lines of comments,is only 48lines

Comments are of a very fuzzy ground+the cliffs were still default



thepharaoh 17 years, 10 months ago

That's cool 3D. I didn't know you could have a gun like that with GM 3D. Unless that's not what it is.

s 17 years, 10 months ago

No,Josh is using a sprite(but you can,with model reading scripts and stuff)

As of now the image is different,the grass is less dense and it's not the ONLY code drawing