Posted by s on May 24, 2007, 10:08 p.m.

Some of you may know that I like building in ST.It is thus that I figure I should present the 4maps I've created thus far



WARNING:20KBmaps seem to lag



Nicely and seamlessly split into 2worlds.I started this before you could rotate the view(Yes,it was very hard)and finished it a little after the giant weapons update

Cheap people may use rockets in the lower levels,and I think it may be possible to shoot out of the lower level with warping.Overall,thermal is life and death in the maze.This level suits T/DM



Features jumping about pretty tall towers(Ya,so their ugly…).I started this shortly after XYZZY was done its main work and finished it shortly after XYZZY was truly done

I've found rockets to be quite useful in this map,and it seems suitable for T/DM and CTC.This was made before the gear update,so boosters really give an upper hand


These were created using a systematic creation process,and thus not even I know exactly how they all work out


Simple tower made of 3rows of blocks per Z.Its interesting to climb,and rockets can be deadly(to both)

Works well with water



I made this with _Player_,its based on the match I had with bryan where I just placed random blocks all over the place.Player chose the tint

This level is made for water,and its suggested you use boosters if you plan to go anywhere easily.Rockets work well here



LunchTime 17 years, 9 months ago

I dont mean that they are nasty like…disturbing.

noshenim 17 years, 9 months ago

http://64digits.com/users/_Player_/cagearena.zip is another by me…

And ftw I got reset in st!?

s 17 years, 8 months ago

Cheating does that,so just cheat when you're in the negatives

Jaxx 17 years, 7 months ago

Quote: deepermeaning
Metropolis was the name of a multiplayer map in Halo 2. And probably a bucketload of maps before that.
Metropolis also appeared in many Rtchet games along with some other sci-fi game [^^]