
Posted by s on May 27, 2007, 1:07 a.m.





[rant]I'd just like to publicly announce my hatred for 2xPost(ing/er)s

Seriously,you all make me cringe inside and wna die

I'm serious,it REALLY bugs me

I get anxiety attacks when I see inefficiency(I got so annoyed when I saw Kilin's CFL source,and same happend with Josh's M3D…had to crop all those sprites and set origins before I started my procedural drawing(BTW,I'm thinking of programming myself a banner(I was gna do that for Kilin…nvr got to it though(Might do that after(Isn't it great how the parathethisd area is way larger than the actual note?)))))[/rant]


Out of 3806users,2568 have not posted a single blog(55 of which have -1blogs)

There are only 3609users in the directory,and hence that means that 103users have been deleted


In 100posts,I will of surpassed my UID…I did that before I did so with hits

SERPREDIT=100posts later…



frenchcon1 17 years, 8 months ago


uglyman 17 years, 8 months ago

I concur Serpex. Most indefinetly.

(Wait, was that a contradiction?)

s 17 years, 8 months ago

Yes,yes it was

Seems ppl have trouble pressing R and then P with a quick restrike on R

s 17 years, 8 months ago

And as for French,this really isn't an article to get like that at,eh?