Ya,finally got back on 64D…I used some evil patch and for some reason I couldn't connect after and ya,whatever
Anyways,I wasn't able to do much with GM,still brewing what to do next…what do I have in mind as of now?Well,I gave up on an equation based shooter after I found making a math only GML insert that was seamless with Gplay(I wanted fast pace)would be pretty uselessBesides that,I've started working away at Novelas again.ZOMG! started up again and I started an Uninteractive Fiction,so…http://fiction.wikia.comFLASHBY SPAM LINKS ARE FER TEH ROXRZ!!!1!http://fiction.wikia.com/wiki/Uninteractive_FictionI've also been listening to Angerfist ever since Bryan showed it to me as an example of horrible music that shouldn't be called musicAnd I actually finished a story,a colab with Nonimportanthttp://fiction.wikia.com/wiki/Memory_LaneBTW,I think I think,therefore I think
welcome back serpo :p
Hello again
hello again again.
Hai!I wish the staff would pay attention to your banner because i can't be bothered to go on the forums without the link :p