I'll get to Cpp some other day
Yes,that's right,I'm a mere GML programmer.I've never really programmed anything else besides with VB or QB,which usually are codes that don't even call for the use of scrollbarsAnd for QB,that's sad(Though I must say,my rainbow spiral on SCREEN1 would be great for seizure slaying)And about the banner…Rule34I'm half thinking of learning some of that Java,since it happens to be what is used for AP and CS
Posted by s on Nov. 5, 2007, 4:07 p.m.
I am a GML programmer too. I also program VB, C++, PHP, MySQL, Actionscript, Javascript, Ajax
Yay! Programming is fun!!Wdev,eh?
Though why you would say JS and AJAX I don't quite knowOh well,at least you didn't say HTMLHTML is markup not programming, the same can be said for coldfusion and CSS.
My TEE teacher got mad today when I corrected him on that
Teachers don't like being wrong :p