
Posted by s on Nov. 11, 2007, 11:36 p.m.

Note to self if I forget…

Submit the Tbox example of GMsex


…now to just fill out that form



FireflyX 17 years, 1 month ago

GMsex? That doesn't sound right..

PY 17 years, 1 month ago

Textbox? GMSex?

Is this your porn simulator?

s 17 years, 1 month ago

No, Obel wanted a Tbox engine that had markup and the like and so called it sex

Thus, it I named it GMsex

FireflyX 17 years, 1 month ago

I guess me and phazon just have dirty minds XD

PY 17 years, 1 month ago

Yeah, we must…

I've never managed a textbox w/ tags and leter-by-letter typing,how are you doing it?Or should I shut up and look at the damn example?

s 17 years, 1 month ago

Just read the messy 28line code

PY 17 years, 1 month ago

28 lines?

I'm missing something that's blatently obvious here, arn't I?

Or are you using sufaces? My old one did that, but broked itself, and isn't 3D friendly…

s 17 years, 1 month ago


//<=bold {=ulne }=strk [=color
var _x,_y,_c,_i,_v,_b,_u,_s;_x=0;_y=0;_c=-1;_i=0;_v=0;_b=0;_u=0;_s=0//Don't ask?
if keyboard_check(vk_space)||mouse_check_button(mb_left){fout=1}//local variable,skips smoothly
if fout{alpha=max(alpha-0.08,0)}else{alpha=min(alpha+0.04,1)}
if alpha<.8{exit}
siz=min(siz+2,string_length(argument0))//how fast it scrolls through the text
if string_char_at(argument0,_i)=" "{_v=0;do{_v+=1}until string_char_at(argument0,_i+_v)=" "||_i+_v=string_length(argument0)}
if _x+string_width(string_copy(argument0,_i,_v))>432||string_char_at(argument0,_i)="#"{
_x=0;_y+=string_height(" ")
if!(_y mod(string_height(" ")*6)){
if _y>page*100{page+=1;do{io_handle()}until mouse_check_button(mb_any)||keyboard_check(vk_anykey)}
switch string_char_at(argument0,_i){
draw_set_color(_c);draw_text(_x+40,_y mod 100+48,string_char_at(argument0,_i))
if _b{draw_text(_x+41,_y mod 100+49,string_char_at(argument0,_i))}
if _u{draw_line(_x+40,_y mod 100+string_height(" ")+46,_x+string_width(string_char_at(argument0,_i))+40,_y mod 100+string_height(" ")+46)}
if _s{draw_line(_x+40,_y mod 100+string_height(" ")/2+48,_x+string_width(string_char_at(argument0,_i))+40,_y mod 100+string_height(" ")/2+48)}
return!alpha[/code]And of course,my classic ini[code]alpha=.03
page=1[/code]I should comment those, but I think they explain themselves well enough. But anyways, have the draw code[code]if!draw{draw=txt("SKEWER YAY!!!!!!!This the <text box< thing in fin }VeRsIoN!!!} erg...{what to fill it up with{....?[180120053uhh hhhhhhhh hhhhhh hhhh hhhhhhh hhhhhhhh hhhhhhh h h h h[255255255 YA!!!11!11 !!!11!!!!!#NO WAI!!!!!! !!!!!ZOMG AUTO WORD WRAP#Ha,so ya you CAN make the stuff go down low with Shift+3,but.....#Well,seems I have to add <MORE< TEXT!!!Geez...how often is scrolling REALLY gna be used???#NVR!!!!!!!!!!! ya,so anyways...#{o ye}s,<be[123456789 jolly!!!!11!1!11!!1#I like this tone of greenishly yellowed green#DONT YOU?YOU BETTER FOR I SAY YOU DO!1111!11Yes,LOWER CASE WILL PWN JOR ASS#Yes,I'm ranting.Yes,this WordWrap makes you see EVERY DANG LETTER THAT I DON'T NLINE MESELF.Yes,this hashle dabble would be better off explaining the system but oh how I tire of fiddling in there#FINE!!![128255255##{ } <First I initilize local variables which are later to be slowly altered throughout the script.Using a siz variable,I loop that amount to jump characters by.From there I increase the page variable as the _y goes beyond 100#(rounded around with the PageID so to increase the value each page)#For the MarkUp,I just use a case statement before drawing on a similar effect#The <bold< effect looks cool so stfu or gtfo#Anyways,I just go through the string recursively until I reach the end#The shifty wordwrap does a _v+=1 loop to find the next space#It checks the string width and if it was above the boundary,acts as if there is a Shift+3#(You can make the parser detect the  thing by having it do an && check for  on the shift3 check)#So yes,WordWrap is buggy#You can remove it by taking out the ' ' loop check and width check[")}//The final [ is to stop a color stretch.Take it out to see what I mean
Now go have fun with using ini however you do feel

Also, if you get past the Tcan in Kibosh, PM me

Bryan 17 years, 1 month ago

Does the wrapping work with bold texts?

PY 17 years, 1 month ago

Holy wow. Longeh! ish. not really.

Still, I'll cheque it out.

(I'm a bit crap at Kibosh, really, but I'm getting better!)