A 7z of a Kibosh vid at 2.11MB, unlike the 2.23MB zip. This is mainly for PY, who queried for it, and as I am sure that he has collected such superior opensource programs of lightweight such as 7zip, I see no reason to tend to those who think that downloading 7zip would be too strong a hassle compared to the benefits it provides
For some more properly created things, seeThis 64KB demo or maybe you'd prefer this 3D FPS that is only 96KB?(Though when they say it required 512MBram, they mean it needs 512MBram. I found that out the hard way)[url=http://www.7-zip.org/]7zip[/url] and [url=/users/serprex/Kibosh.7z]a KiboshVid[/url]
Posted by s on Nov. 27, 2007, 4:14 p.m.
Downloading 7zip is too much hassle :p ..Also I object!
And stop using one fucking object. <_________________<(firefly's "I object" reminded me of that)And there's no way I'm downloading a video that was 7ZIPPED. *hits DL button*ooh, D/Ling.
Yah, I like openource programs, like openoffice, Firefox, GIMPy, etc. And 7zip, of course!