Tis happening. I have a want to start a game called DoubleFire
But I shall do what so many fail to do, finish Kibosh's final chapter, and fix the broken third chapter, before I treat myself to this urge…Or will I?http://www.cbc.ca/livemedia/cbcr1-toronto.m3uhttp://www.cbc.ca/livemedia/cbcr2-toronto.m3u
No wai serpy don't give in to temptation! I am weak like that, hence why I never got anything finished all last year :( So finis kibosh before you start anything else!
If you are very close to being finished, I'd finish it right away.
Yes, I do suppose I'll keep the other idea on paper so that I can simply have it halfly half planned when I do get to it
As for thepharaoh…ZOMBIE OH MAH GODWhat zombie?
Your mother
R.I.P. Kibosh, your greatness was never sampled…
Serpy, fish out that old magic book of yours and resurrect it!*casts level 5 revive…on thepharaoh*
Now I see… thanks for the revival.