Saved another byte

Posted by s on March 4, 2008, 4:48 p.m.

Was the bitstream too

The lashback? Ally energy accuracy has half as many bits, but you'll never notice. I had to shift x,y from 8bits to 6 so that I had 4bits to merge. Wrote a trainwreck for a few minutes, then rewrote it perfect in less than a minute

Chance made those bullets the same tone as the ship

Finally using array bullets. All lag is gone. All bullets flash the same. I'm dizzy. I'm thinking I'll just make them the opposite color of the user. Or not

Also, be amazed


PY 17 years ago

Yay, another byte!

s 17 years ago

A vital one too

PY 17 years ago

Hoorah for vitality

Cpsgames 16 years, 12 months ago

That looks pretty awsome

s 16 years, 12 months ago

Ya, 64K stuff always leaves me in awe. Stuff is crazy how they do it, Heaven7 was done with all ASM