
Posted by s on March 31, 2008, 2:48 p.m.

From the past blog my small sample of two has been profiled

stampede doesn't waste time on obvious facts, but instead finds glee about things that he wishes he would spend more time on (Who doesn't have time for rR, sheesh)

PY has a long name with an easy abbreviation to which he thinks up wonderful ways to continue obvious fact and ignores things he wishes he would spend more time on

In other news, I finally settled down with newLISP last night and I noticed that the editor was an LSP. Ya, so I'm customizing the editor while learning a few LISP functions. Main issue I found for debug is that if you miss a paranthesis, you're screwed. In programming they have so many different symbols that you only have to check a couple blocks, but with LISP you might of forgot to end your (if) or you forgot to end some other random (lambda)

And I'll end this with a note. I love the Befunge. As such, I've also been working with it. School better not delete the 200KB interpreter I downloaded (Seriously, how can you not like a language that has a TRAMPOLINE)

Ya, I'm using v93 since I couldn't find a good v98 IDE (I don't ask for much, but I like an interface to put it all in(Even if it isn't English(Though I think I will look around more for a better interpreter for this one))(That's one thing I liked about newLISP, worked out of the box))

(You'd think there'd be some good ones, since making one seems simple enough(relative to some other dialects)(Don't mind me using paranthesis, I seem to be using them more since I started LISP(Or have I always done this?)))

Which boils down to me not working on my Entropy comp which I will finish since it is pretty much done but that means that stampede doesn't get his demo to make music to which I LOST THE GAME

Anyways, I need to stop hanging around Novelas so much, making me too verbose

Now go waste time hunting the wumpus instead of reading this waste

Off now to be interviewed for three hours about random. Oh well, 10$/h


PY 16 years, 11 months ago

Too verbose is an impossibility.


s 16 years, 11 months ago

*Looks at RedChu's drones*

Heh, I didn't lose the game since I lost it only a few minutes ago

PY 16 years, 11 months ago

OK, you can be too verbose.