999bytes of broken opensource

Posted by s on April 2, 2008, 2:29 p.m.


'code '()

'x 0

'y 0

'xs 1

'ys 0

'mode 0

'str ""

'lbd ""

'dbg 17)

(letn ((n 0) (f (open "C:/Program Files/newlisp/(pOjek)/_.txt" "r")))

(push (explode (lower-case (read-line f))) code -1)

(push (explode (lower-case (read-line f))) code -1)


(while (> dbg)

(dec 'dbg)

(case mode


(case (char (nth y (nth x code)))

((char {>}) (set 'xs 1 'ys 0))

((char {<}) (set 'xs -1 'ys 0))

((char {v}) (set 'xs 0 'ys 1))

((char {^}) (set 'xs 0 'ys -1))

((char {#}) (set 'x (+ x (* xs 2)) 'y (+ y (* ys 2))))

((char {.}) (println (pop str)))

((char {,}) (print (pop str)))

((char {"}) (set 'mode 1))

((char {f}) (set 'mode 2))

((char {@}) (exit))




(if (= (nth y (nth x code)) {"})

(set 'mode 0)

(push (nth y (nth x code)) str)




(inc 'x xs)

(if (< x) (set 'x (length (nth y code))))

(if (> x (length (nth y code))) (set 'x 0))

(inc 'y ys)

(if (< y) (set 'y (length code)))

(if (> y (length code)) (set 'y 0))

(println (string x y))


Yum, broken LISP. Ya, my count tool has already saved me quite a few times. Anyways, at lunch I made a 99bottles program that makes total sense in Befunge. That's what bugs me sometimes in that 99bottles site, they make their programs unreadable for kicks

A beautiful language is one that can have its very foundations redefined


PY 16 years, 11 months ago

Err, huh?

s 16 years, 11 months ago

Embrace the lack of syntax that causes simplicity to live within this half century old language

PY 16 years, 11 months ago

Um, whu?

s 16 years, 11 months ago
