'code '()'x 0'y 0'xs 1'ys 0'mode 0'str ""'lbd ""'dbg 17)(letn ((n 0) (f (open "C:/Program Files/newlisp/(pOjek)/_.txt" "r")))(push (explode (lower-case (read-line f))) code -1)(push (explode (lower-case (read-line f))) code -1))(while (> dbg)(dec 'dbg)(case mode((0)(case (char (nth y (nth x code)))((char {>}) (set 'xs 1 'ys 0))((char {<}) (set 'xs -1 'ys 0))((char {v}) (set 'xs 0 'ys 1))((char {^}) (set 'xs 0 'ys -1))((char {#}) (set 'x (+ x (* xs 2)) 'y (+ y (* ys 2))))((char {.}) (println (pop str)))((char {,}) (print (pop str)))((char {"}) (set 'mode 1))((char {f}) (set 'mode 2))((char {@}) (exit))))((1)(begin(if (= (nth y (nth x code)) {"})(set 'mode 0)(push (nth y (nth x code)) str)))))(inc 'x xs)(if (< x) (set 'x (length (nth y code))))(if (> x (length (nth y code))) (set 'x 0))(inc 'y ys)(if (< y) (set 'y (length code)))(if (> y (length code)) (set 'y 0))(println (string x y)))Yum, broken LISP. Ya, my count tool has already saved me quite a few times. Anyways, at lunch I made a 99bottles program that makes total sense in Befunge. That's what bugs me sometimes in that 99bottles site, they make their programs unreadable for kicksA beautiful language is one that can have its very foundations redefined
Err, huh?
Embrace the lack of syntax that causes simplicity to live within this half century old language
Um, whu?