Ya, so I got it to print out "HELLO"
Which means I've basically got a Befunge interpreter down. Which now means all I need to do isMake an interface because notepad sucksGet it to parse the lines instead of manually copy pasting read-lineAdd extensions (currently trying to rig in a lambda system where you can write LISP code and call it with l)Also, I got 512MB of RAM and a computer for a marble. Too bad the RAM is kind of broken and so if the wrong place gets accessed, the computer locksOMFGOMFGOMFGOMFGOMFGOMFGOMFG(define(xy) (nth x(nth y code)))(set'code '()'x 0'y 0'xs 1'ys 0'mode 0'str '()'lbd "")(letn ((n 0) (f (open "C:/Program Files/newlisp/(pOjek)/_.txt" "r")))(while (read-line f)(push (explode (lower-case (current-line))) code -1)))(while 1(case mode(0(case (xy)({0} (push 0 str))({1} (push 1 str))({2} (push 2 str))({3} (push 3 str))({4} (push 4 str))({5} (push 5 str))({6} (push 6 str))({7} (push 7 str))({8} (push 8 str))({9} (push 9 str))({>} (set 'xs 1 'ys 0))({<} (set 'xs -1 'ys 0))({v} (set 'ys 1 'xs 0))({^} (set 'ys -1 'xs 0))({+} (push (+ (pop str)(pop str))))({-} (push (- (pop str)(pop str))))({*} (push (* (pop str)(pop str))))({/} (push (/ (pop str)(pop str))))({%} (push (% (pop str)(pop str))))({|} (set 'ys (if (> (pop str)) 1 -1) 'xs 0))({_} (set 'xs (if (> (pop str)) 1 -1) 'ys 0))({#} (set 'x (+ x (* xs 2)) 'y (+ y (* ys 2))))({!} (push (= (pop str)) str))({.} (println (pop str)))({,} (print (pop str)))({:} (letn (n (pop str)) (push n str)(push n str)))({"} (set 'mode 1))({f} (set 'mode 2 'fun '()))({l} (eval-string lbd))({@} (exit))))(1(if (= (xy) {"})(set 'mode 0)(push (xy) str)))(2(push (xy) fun -1)(if (= (length fun) 3)(begin(case (join fun)("lbd" (while (string? (nth 0 str))(push (pop str) lbd -1))))(set 'mode 0)))))(inc 'x xs)(if (< x) (set 'x (length (nth y code))))(if (> x (length (nth y code))) (set 'x 0))(inc 'y ys)(if (< y) (set 'y (length code)))(if (> y (length code)) (set 'y 0)))Ya, so lead it to the right _.txt and use"olleh",,,,,0"))3 1 +(tnirp("flbdlv@lGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGl<
… a marble?
Was it a cool marble?Anyway, 512MB of broken RAM is a good deal.Twas a normal marble. I'd given him about 1500 marbles, but while shipping he'd dropped a bunch and missed one which I found a few days later. Then, his mother was complaining about the junk computer they'd had for the past year and so he was like "Want a computer?"
Mmm. That's still good.
1.5k marbles is pretty good for 512 RAM.I want a computer marble! Can I get one with XP? Or do they just make Vista marbles now?
Isn't this an odd visitor, misreading what is to be read
That being said, computer marbles are pretty interesting. Spherical fractals could be pretty interesting1.5K marbles for 512MB of RAM that freezes the computer? Ya, I'd sayA speractal, eh?