Polyatomic Ions

Posted by s on April 10, 2008, 9:40 p.m.

Teacher won't explain them to me. Personal study is being fruitless. I've come to suspect oxidation states

Otherwise I have nothing to say but more stuff to procrastinate the fact that I need to write out another English response because I lost my binder yesterday because I stole a muffin because I was hungry and so ya

I think I figured out more of why 64D is better than GMG and all those forums. There was a post on GMG where some person was asking about how to refer to object IDs. So I say "id?" and they go on to explain what IDs are. Then they are like "I R GENIUS I R FIGURED SELF_ID=SELF.ID LULZ WIN" to which I was like "…why not just use id?" and so some other person comes in and says "Ya, but IDs get messy so arrays are easier". Did the person even notice the fact that the other person used self_id=id? Bah, good thing this place isn't just some place where people get to ask how to do stuff like that


PY 16 years, 10 months ago

Because we burn the morons, burn them all!

frenchcon1 16 years, 10 months ago

and then John was a zombie.

s 16 years, 10 months ago

I should be burnt, I lost 4 points on my test today when I erased the correct answer because I got 40 and 50 and I thought they multiplied to 200, not 2000

Juju 16 years, 10 months ago

At 64D, we try and work things out for ourselves. That, and no access to a forum makes stupid posts look even more pathetic.