Fuck me, Jesus Christ

Posted by s on May 4, 2008, 9:53 a.m.

In the words of my mother, amen

Anyways, Nonimportant and I have mutally set on a mission. To get Story of Sir Isaac Newton featured. Last time we lost by half a vote, this time we might be able to get it in. Epic lulz will be issued

And on to add to what seems to be becoming a series of how skewed can Serprex be seen…

I was dragged off to go roller blading last night at the community center. I was just going to go on without a fuss and be done with it, but when we got there, the skater wood floor thing was packed. So of course that got me anxious, and then there was that ACDC music or something. So I lost thought and was just like "NONONONONONO"

Ya, enough about that. Point is, I left and my parents stayed inside. To pass time, I walked around the parking lot. Then some security guard people who sit around all day sucking their thumbs decided to have fun and be suspicious. Asking me for my name and all, telling me to go off some place

Moral of the bloated story? Security guards are bored and need more amusement in their lives, as they only have the joy of hassling people who feel like walking around


PY 16 years, 10 months ago

ACDC is enough to drive anyone away, they should know that.

ESA 16 years, 10 months ago

Security guards are funny…

So is roller blading.

And ACDC is awful.

s 16 years, 10 months ago

They're not funny, their imposing

ACDC doesn't seem all that bad, it just seems bad when you can't hear anything else

ESA 16 years, 10 months ago

They're funny in an imposing way.

I don't particularly like ACDC, but Angus Young is a good guitarist, no doubt about that. If you want to listen to some good, older rock, I suggest Jimi Hendrix, Eric Clapton, and The Cream. Check out Stevie Ray Vaughan too, he's a good guitarist.

s 16 years, 10 months ago

I'll agree to imposing funnies

As for other rock things, I don't particularly like rock music. Or any case of singing, unless the language is foreign